Lithium-ion batteries are a kind of rechargeable battery that is charged or discharged through desorption or insertion of lithium ions (Li+)从或进入活动材料结构。
这primary materials oflithium-ion batteriesare the anode, cathode, separator, and electrolytic solution, along with the active material — the main material from which the electrodes are made — which is the most essential element for enhancing performance.
Silicon anodes exhibit a greater theoretical capacity compared to traditional carbon anode materials, so they are anticipated to help with the fabrication of higher-capacity lithium-ion batteries. On the other hand, charging and discharging can easily be accompanied by volumetric expansion and contraction, so there is the issue that the aging of the battery itself is faster when compared to carbon anode materials.
User Benefits
- 变形强度可以通过一次对阳极材料进行一个粒子进行压缩测试来计算。
- 这提供了一种有用的方法,可以正确分析颗粒物质的物理特性,而不会受分析师的经验影响。
- This provides an index for evaluation of strength, for development of new anode materials.
Test Specimens
。 |
。 |
Specimen |
Three types of anode material (anode material a, anode material b, anode material c) |
Material |
Carbon (graphite) |
颗粒直径 |
10-15μm |
图1。测试标本。(a)在较低的压缩板上和(b)粒子上观察到400倍显微镜。Image Credit: Dainen Material Co., Ltd.
Figure 2 displays a view of the instrument and a schematic diagram of a test, and Table 2 represents the test conditions. With the availability of MCT-510, it is possible to execute a compression test on single particles and make use of the Side Observation Kit to view the compression on video.
在这种情况下,使用的阳极材料是石墨的,因此柔软,并且使用该样品,很难在接触粒子时正确识别压缩测试的开始。为了克服这个问题,软材料测量模式*2was utilized. The subsequent equation displays the calculation of deformation strength.

Table 2.测试条件。资料来源:Shimadzu科学仪器
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。 |
测试机 |
MCT-510 Micro Compression Testing Machine, Side Observation Kit, and Length Measurement Kit |
平面凹痕(μm) |
∅50 |
测试模式 |
Soft material measurement mode |
Test force (mN) |
10 |
加载速度(MN/秒) |
0.2231 |
测量数(时间) |
10 |
表3。测试结果(平均值)。资料来源:Shimadzu Scientific
Sample |
阳极材料a |
Anode material b |
Anode material c |
平均直径[μm] |
13。32 |
12。54 |
13.11 |
Deformation strength σ10% [MPa] |
7.29 |
3。04 |
13。66 |


图4。Force-Displacement Graph. Image Credit: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
这surface condition of every test sample seems to be different; anode material c was known as a carbon coating type, and anode material b was exposed. Hence, the variations were noted in the deformation strengths, and every test sample displayed its characteristics.
图5在测试过程中显示阳极材料A,以及等效力 - 位置图。当使用侧观测套件时,可以将力置换图上显示的每个点连接到压缩测试时拍摄的视频。

Every photo is an image that has been removed from the video taken with the help of the Side Observation Kit, and the red points on the force-displacement graphs denote the force and displacement on every photo.
这photos from (1) to (4) display the compression of the particle in a time series sequence, from which it can be viewed that, at around 0.84 to 3.63 N, the particle deformed in a considerable manner.
This article introduced an example of阳极材料的定量评估借助变形强度,这是机械评估之一。
In this example, compression tests were carried out using the MCT-510. This was so that the differences in strength as a result of the anode material could be obtained in units of one particle. In the future, it is anticipated that this will be applied to improve the quality of anode materials

此信息已从Shimadzu Scientific Instruments提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载
For more information on this source, please visitShimadzu科学仪器。