What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?





  • 更高的效率使操作员可以更有效地使用时间
  • 增加的吞吐量减少了整体测试时间
  • 增加的重复性导致更一致的测试设置
  • Increased safety and ergonomics for operators

Video Credit: Instron - Europe



The time it takes to run an actual test is fixed, whether the system is automated or manual. Test time is often controlled by international standards such as ISO, ASTM, and EN standards, or by internal company test procedures.


First, the tested specimen must be removed, and it should be checked that no remnants are left behind. Then the operator must set up the next specimen carefully, making sure it is correctly positioned and aligned. This process will take time, which can vary depending on how complex the test is as well as the user’s experience.

这些是半自动化系统可以为实验室吞吐量做出重大贡献的领域 - 测试之间的时间。

一个例子XY stage可以改善吞吐量是评估来自手术工具中使用的弹簧的基准测试的数据。手动运行了五十个标本,花了近16分钟。

The operator-led tests were run one immediately after another, with no breaks or diversions. Typically, an operator who is running tests manually has regular interruptions, such as breaks, meetings, or conversations with colleagues, where testing is put on hold.

What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?

Image Credit: Instron - Europe


What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?

Image Credit: Instron - Europe

Customers using an XY system can optimize throughput even further by having several test fixtures available.

While one batch of specimens is being tested, the operator is able to prepare the next batch by placing all the specimens to be tested into the fixture. This reduces downtime between tests significantly, as the operator can set up a new sample on the XY system quickly and then immediately press start.




The benchmark data from the spring tests demonstrates that in addition to boosting the lab throughput by 46% during an 8-hour shift, the operator will theoretically have an additional 3.5 hours of time that would otherwise be consumed when manually running tests. These 3.5 hours is time that can be used much more efficiently.




What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?

Image Credit: Instron - Europe

When specimens are inserted and manually aligned, the operator’s influence on the test results can be particularly noticeable when multiple operators with different levels of experience are running tests on several systems or even across multiple labs. This is compounded when testing numerous points on small components.


An XY system with a well-designed fixture can circumvent such challenges relative to specimen placement and consistency of test locations. An XY stage supplies repeatable test locations from sample to sample, ensuring that the generated data is comparable.


According to OSHA evaluations, companies in the U.S. pay around $1 billion in direct worker compensation each week, which does not include additional costs related to disturbances in the lab.

If an operator is away on medical leave, the lab’s throughput will likely be reduced due to less staff. If the injured operator knows how to run a specific system or test, that loss of expertise will impact the lab’s capacity to meet its customers’ requirements. Also, lab accidents can have a negative impact on user confidence when operating the equipment.


使用XY system意味着可以删除围绕样品对准和测试点的一些测试挑战;因此,可以更有效地对经验较少的运营商进行培训,从而使系统更易于使用。此外,在运行系统时,这些操作员将更加自信,从而减少实验室的整体破坏。


半自动化系统(例如XY阶段)可以提供实验室,其中全自动系统不是最好的解决方案,这是一系列好处 - 吞吐量,效率,可重复性和安全性。


此信息已从Instron -Europe提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问乐器 - 欧洲。


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    Instron -USA。(2022, August 03). What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?. AZoM. Retrieved on October 04, 2022 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21910.

  • MLA

    Instron -USA。“半自动化在材料测试中有什么好处?”。亚博网站下载AZoM。2022年10月4日。

  • 芝加哥

    Instron -USA。“半自动化在材料测试中有什么好处?”。亚博网站下载azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=21910。(2022年10月4日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Instron -USA。2022。What are the Benefits of Semi-Automation in Materials Testing?。Azom,2022年10月4日,//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=21910。



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