
In the field of electron microscopy, 4D STEM is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, the subject of this fascinating family of techniques is explored in more detail.


图片来源:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM)

Dr. Colin Ophus works at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), which is part of the Molecular Foundry.

Dr. Ophus originally wanted to be an engineer, so he began his studies in electrical engineering and later switched to engineering physics, with no idea that his professional life would take such an interesting turn.

It was actually an end-of-semester project that was part of his studies which led to a summer internship at the professor’s laboratory, where he became interested in scientific research. He enjoyed having so much freedom in solving problems in science and decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering at that research facility.


Eventually, after his postdoc at Berkeley, Dr. Ophus was offered a position at the NCEM as a computational scientist. From there, things progressed, and he ultimately became a staff scientist with his own computational microscopy group. Dr. Ophus is very pleased with how things turned out. The facility is one of the few in the world that conducts research in a specific manner.

Escape Room, Ophus Style

When it comes to recognizing Dr. Ophus' achievements, it is difficult to choose just one accomplishment. He believes this is because he was fortunate enough to work with so many incredible collaborators. His personal highlight is the PRISM algorithm for STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) simulation—it is the only single-author publication he ever had.

Dr. Ophus had trouble simulating a large field-of-view STEM image because it required over a million separate simulations. So, he locked himself in a room with a pen and paper to come up with a better solution. After a few days, he came up with a few suggestions as to how to improve the process.

After implementing the code, he was able to run STEM image simulations a thousand times faster than ever before. The idea was picked up and implemented in the software of other researchers such as Hamish Brown (from the University of Melbourne) and Thomas Susi and Jacob Madsen (from the University of Vienna). This was evidence that his algorithm was effective.


When it comes to recent STEM trends, Dr. Ophus may be prejudiced as he is a computational scientist with a data weakness. Nonetheless, he believes that 4D STEM has the most potential for improving data acquisition and data quality.


Five Beamlines in One Instrument

Multimodal experiments are another trend that is fascinating. Nowadays, only a few channels are collected: the forward diffraction pattern, a spectroscopic scan of inelastic energy losses, scattered X-Rays, backscattered electrons, or other channels like cathodoluminescence. STEMs, on the other hand, are idealmultimodal instrumentsbecause they can gather all of these data streams at once.

It is the equivalent of five synchrotron beamlines combined into one instrument. These multimodal experiments will yield a statistically significant number of diffraction images or spectra, as well as provide enough data for computational models to produce reliable results.

It is exciting to see how the scientific community is shifting away from the old practice of recording one or two publication-worthy images and instead of recognizing the value of assembling large data sets to gain a better understanding of the big picture. Even more so now, as computer and detector technology advances year after year.


A4D STEM detectorshould provide a complete picture of beam-specimen interaction. The ultimate goal in any field, whether it is Life Science or Materials Science, is to gather every electron while maintaining good time resolution.

Scientists in particle physics have been gathering all of the scattered, generated, or annihilated particle trajectories for years to reconstruct what occurred inside the material. Fortunately, the technology to track appropriate physical processes by capturing the position and momentum of all scattered electrons with considerable speed is already present.

Then, of course, a detector can be customized to meet the needs of a specific experiment. There are products available that allow balancing various aspects, like time for spatial resolution or number of pixels versus time resolution.

With the detector development in NCEM, the team is aiming for 100,000 frames per second. Individual electron collection should be simple at this speed, but speed should not come at the cost of a high dynamic range or noise-free readout. Commercial detectors are getting close to the point where it is possible to catch each electron across the entire scattering range in the timeframes that matter.



MBED AU纳米颗粒的3D断层扫描。yabo214来自所有探针位置的最大CBED图像,虚拟检测器范围覆盖。

MBED AU纳米颗粒的3D断层扫描。yabo214来自所有探针位置的最大CBED图像,虚拟检测器范围覆盖。图片来源:NCEM Colin Ophus博士

The Most Crucial Detector Parameters in 4D STEM

The speed of the detector is one of the most important factor in 4D STEM. Fast detectors can count more individual electrons. Such detectors not only improve quantum efficiency but also allow experiments to run at native speed.

Detectors have evolved over time, from CCD detectors that can capture 10 frames per second to the first generation of direct electron detectors that can capture 1,000 frames per second and now the second generation that can capture 10,000 frames per second.


Techniques like ptychography and phase-contrast imaging, on the other hand, necessitate a wide dynamic range and single-electron sensitivity. The detector should be able to distinguish between 10,000 and one electron in this case.

Fast, Faster, Irrelevant



这样的实验可能需要探测1,000×1,000或更多样品点。这是大量信息 - 有多个trabytes。另一方面,4D茎可以使用现代探测器处理如此大的视野。

Furthermore, STEM operations should be more automated. Technology is available to do this. The synchrotron beamline, for instance, is highly automated. As many of the steps performed — such as scanning the Regions of Interest (ROI) or performing drift correction — are highly repetitive, there is room for this in STEM.

Ophus博士对以数据为中心的开源代码特别感兴趣4D STEM analysis


The authors have been tinkering with it, and the results are incredible — there are more upcoming publications. Dr. Ophus anticipates that in the future, machine-learning methods will be used to analyze difficult samples.

此信息已从Dectris Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和调整(AN亚博网站下载interviewconducted with Dr Colin Ophus conducted by DECTRIS in April 2022).

For more information on this source, please visitDectris Ltd.


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    Dectris Ltd.(2022, June 16). 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Unraveling an Exciting Technique. AZoM. Retrieved on July 17, 2022 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21728.

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    Dectris Ltd.“ 4D扫描透射电子显微镜:揭开令人兴奋的技术”。azom。2022年7月17日。

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    Dectris Ltd.“ 4D扫描透射电子显微镜:揭开令人兴奋的技术”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=21728。(2022年7月17日访问)。

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    Dectris Ltd.2022.4D扫描传输电子显微镜:揭开令人兴奋的技术。azom, viewed 17 July 2022, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21728.


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