How to Maintain Road Weather Stations

As winter approaches, road maintenance services teams work hard to check and prepare their equipment for the challenging conditions ahead. Typically, most of the work is calibrating sensors and swapping out single modules, but after some time in operation, the entire station needs to be renewed.

How to Maintain Road Weather Stations

Image Credit: OTT HydroMet

加利福尼亚运输部Caltrans借此机会从OTT Hydomet中选择和安装设备和服务。

Caltrans负责监测加利福尼亚的道路和公路沿线的广泛气象参数。这些包括气温, amount and type of precipitation, pressure and relative humidity, as well as wind speed and direction.

In four of its stations, Caltrans made the decision to dispose of its outdated equipment while maintaining the main infrastructure and without interfering in data communication processes.

Customized Sensor Setup for Easy Integration

OTT Hydolets能够通过其经过验证和值得信赖的气象品牌和产品组合从传感器和配件改造电台。如前所述世界气象组织指南,风和空气数据在各个高度下测量。每个站的配置包括以下内容:

  • Lufft LCOM:带有内置7英寸触摸屏显示的工业PC,用于通信。
  • Lufft WS300:温度,气压和相对湿度的智能天气传感器。
  • Lufft WS200: Smart Weather Sensor for ultrasonic measurement of wind speed and wind direction.
  • OTT Parsivel²: Disdrometer for type and amount of precipitation.

在整个安装过程中,训练有素的OTT Hydomet人员在场,以确保传感器和通信配件的设置无故障。

此信息已从OTT Hydomet提供的材料中采购,审查和调整。亚博网站下载Lufft是OTT Hydomet的专业环境监测的强大品牌之一。




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    OTT湿法 - 气象。(2022年5月10日)。如何维护道路气象站。azom。于2022年5月10日从//检索。

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    OTT湿法 - 气象。“如何维护道路气象站”。azom。2022年5月10日。

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    OTT湿法 - 气象。“如何维护道路气象站”。azom。//。(2022年5月10日访问)。

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    OTT湿法 - 气象。2022.How to Maintain Road Weather Stations。azom, viewed 10 May 2022, //

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