Thought Leaders

The Key Role of Raman Spectroscopy in Industrial Processes

Thought LeadersKevin Fernandes流程分析销售工程师Endress+Hauser Ltd

azomspoke to Kevin Fernandes from Endress+Hauser about the significance of online Raman spectroscopy in industrial processes, as well as its potential role in emerging industries.

Please can you introduce yourself and your professional background within analytical chemistry, as well as your current role at Endress+Hauser?






It is vitally important, as analytical technologies are the window into the process. Online analysis as opposed to offline or remote facilitate rapid decisions and can contribute significantly to process efficiency, better utilization of plant assets, and ultimately, the bottom line.


Image Credit: Forance/

Could you please provide an overview of what Raman spectroscopy is as well as its various industrial applications?

Raman spectroscopy is a light scattering technique. Raman utilizes a high-intensity light source from a laser, usually supplied by a fiber optic cable to the sample of interest. Most of the scattered light will be at the same wavelength as the laser—this is known as Rayleigh scatter, and photons of this type will be filtered off.

但是,某些反向散射光将改变波长或颜色。这称为拉曼散射,这将代表我们要测量的内容。因此,拉曼光谱可以显示几个峰表明其强度和波长位置。拉曼光谱中的峰对应于分子振动。例如,这些可以是C-C,C = C,N-O。


Raman Spectra of a simple Gas Mixture

Raman spectroscopy allows online optical analysis to bridge the gap between lab and process. How is this possible and in what ways is this advantageous?

Lab to process is very much a mantra of Endress+Hauser. What this means is that analytical methods developed in the lab can be seamlessly integrated into the process and become an integral part of it rather than a remote or discrete one - the lab comes to the sample. To get this set up, the introduction of a Raman light source just needs a probe connected to the process in question—the probe itself can be changed to accommodate many different sample types, for example gases, liquids, slurries, and powders.


To put this into context, applying Raman spectroscopy to advanced bioprocesses would generate a control saving of around £5,000 on a typical 6,000 litre vessel by not having to include offline analysis. Furthermore, the risk of compromising bioreactor sterility is also removed by not having to sample the vessel periodically and invasively. Chemometric models developed in the lab also allow for convenient method transfer and allow the scaling up of process levels.

You will be conducting a talk on Raman spectroscopy at the 2022 ChemUK conference in May. What can visitors expect from your presentation?

My talk will provide a quick overview of the Raman technique and technology, focusing on some of the applications that we have developed at Endress+Hauser and how these have been implemented into our markets such as the manufacturing of chemicals, oil and gas production, and bio/pharmaceutical production.

Click Here to Sign Up for ChemUK 2022


Nice question! Endress+Hauser Raman is already playing a part in monitoring the purity of green and blue hydrogen etc. from processes such as electrolysis and steam reformation of methane. Raman has also been integrated with other Endress+Hauser instrumentation to provide a complete solution for this very important application. In addition to this, Endress+Hauser TDLAS instrumentation is being used to measure compounds such as moisture and carbon dioxide in hydrogen streams and carbon capture projects.

What does the future of measurement instrumentation look like to you? Do you expect this technology to evolve much in the years to come?

The measurement aspect of the process will increasingly become more integrated, and although the instrumentation footprint in a plant will get smaller, it will become increasingly more information-rich.


Online platforms like Teams and Zoom are still great for pulling people together, particularly at short notice. However, nothing in my opinion beats having face to face meetings to conduct business. To that end, conferences like ChemUK are invaluable to provide those platforms.

Further Information:

Process Raman Spectroscopy Selected Application Notes

Chemical Process

  • 监测聚合反应。
  • In-line monitoring of ethylene vinyl acetate Copolymer with Raman spectroscopy
  • Raman spectroscopy in the chemical industry.

Oil and Gas

  • Process Raman Spectroscopy for custody transfer operations of ship to ship and ship to shore Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) cargoes.

Life Science

  • Advanced process and product control in fermentations. Raman spectroscopy for composition analysis in a lab or process
  • 用于生物处理应用的拉曼光谱法
  • Raman spectroscopy simultaneously measures several parameters in-situ real-time monitoring bioprocess.


目前,我被英国的Endress+Hauser Ltd担任流程销售工程师,为我们的基于激光的光谱仪器提供销售支持,其中包括拉曼和可调二极管激光光谱仪器。

I’m very privileged to have a career in the field of natural sciences, from the lab bench to the commercial world where I now reside. Career highlights include the development and bringing to market of many new and innovative technologies in the analytical world. My old chemistry teacher told me: “you spend a long time working, so do something you are going to enjoy.”Wise words that still hold true today.

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Skyla baily

Written by

Skyla baily

Skyla graduated from the University of Manchester with a BSocSc Hons in Social Anthropology. During her studies, Skyla worked as a research assistant, collaborating with a team of academics, and won a social engagement prize for her dissertation. With prior experience in writing and editing, Skyla joined the editorial team at AZoNetwork in the year after her graduation. Outside of work, Skyla’s interests include snowboarding, in which she used to compete internationally, and spending time discovering the bars, restaurants and activities Manchester has to offer!


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