







After their successful commercialization 30 years ago, LIBs have become power sources of choice for portable electronic devices and one of the most promising solutions for energy storage in electric vehicles and stationary devices, such as Tesla's Powerwall. This widespread use in a multitude of industrial and domestic applications combined with the projected global demand for energy storage solutions, primarily driven by the growth of the electric vehicles market, has accelerated the need for an efficient recycling strategy more urgently than ever. This is especially important considering the scarcity of some raw materials used in LIBs.

LIB Types and Material Composition

A single LIB cell consists of a cathode, an anode, a separator that also contains the electrolyte, and robust housing. Many cells, interconnected in series, in parallel, or a combination of the two, are usually assembled into battery modules with the desired voltage and capacity. Depending on the requirements of the intended application, LIBs may vary in shape (consisting of cylindrical or pouch cells), size, capacity, and configuration. However, the most widely accepted classification of the LIB types is based on the cathode material.


However, the relatively high cost and environmental and safety issues concerning Co and Li mining led to the commercialization of alternative cathode materials. At present, the most widely used cathode materials include mixed oxides of Li, Ni, Co, Mn, and Al or lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4). Many of these elements are classified as critical raw materials and emphasize the need to re-introduce end-of-life batteries and their components back into the economic cycle and reduce the need for primary raw materials.


The primary LIB manufacturing facilities are located in China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. The three Asian countries are the major producers of LIB-specific components such as electrodes, separators, and electrolytes, and manufacture more than 80% of the global LIB supply.

由于有关电子废物和寿命终止自由液体的环境法规,尤其是在大多数国家 /地区尚未完全开发或实施,因此目前大多数这些电池最终都陷入了垃圾填埋场,而将一小部分的用过的Libs发送给了垃圾填埋场。现有的回收设施。目前,欧洲收集和回收的电子废物的比例为42.5%,亚洲为11.4%,在美洲为9.4%。

Besides, the variety of LIB sizes, configurations, and cell chemistries present a major challenge to current recycling methods as not all processes are economically viable for the recycling of any battery type.


With more proactive regulations, an increasing supply of spent batteries, and innovations in recycling technologies, end-of-life batteries could supply a significant fraction of the materials needed for the manufacturing of new LIBs. Newly-developed regulations, such as the EU's Battery 2030+ roadmap, aim to define the responsibilities of battery manufacturers, users, and recyclers.


Image Credit: Artem Oleshko/Shutterstock.com

Battery manufacturers will be required to provide durability and performance data for their products and are responsible for the provenance of battery materials. These forthcoming regulations would effectively create “battery passports” which would allow end-users to identify the battery type and composition and to know where the materials come from, and their environmental impacts, so that the reuse and recycling of the LIBs can be monitored. The new rules also outline target efficiencies and material recovery rates for different recycling processes.


The economics of recycling mostly depends on the LIB chemistry, raw material prices on the market, and the processing cost, which is expected to decrease with the expansion of the recycling capacity. The variety and complexity of LIB chemistry impede to some extent the efforts to establish a streamlined recycling process suitable for all kinds of LIBs.


Current State of LIB Recycling


End-of-Life LIB Pre-Treatment Processes

为回收利用准备LIB涉及两个主要过程 - 放电和拆卸电池模块(包括去除主要组件,例如电缆,框架,电子设备等)。电池拆除后,组件基于其不同的物理特性(包括粒度,密度,电导率,磁性特性等)进行机械处理和分离。




A particular emphasis is placed on the separation of the metallic particles (casing, conductors) and the concentration of the so-called black mass, which is the mixture of cathode and anode active materials. The black mass is the most valuable LIB component and the mechanical pre-treatment is optimized for its maximum recovery and separation. Usually, an inert atmosphere (CO2在压碎过程中使用氮)。

Thermal Pre-Treatment

Thermal pre-treatment methods enable safe deactivation of the combustible components of the LIB electrolyte. At the same time, the battery is discharged, while the conductive carbon components and organic binder materials decompose (at temperatures above 600 °C).



高温应压使用加热来将电池材料中使用的金属氧化物转换为金属或金属合金。亚博网站下载预处理后,电池材料在还原环境(真空或惰性气气气氛)中燃烧,以将金属氧化物亚博网站下载转换为含有混合金属合金(取决于电池组成)CO,NI,CU,FE和非 -包含Li和Al的可回收炉渣。

Pyrometallurgical methods require simpler pretreatment methods (usually shredding or crushing) to prepare batteries for recycling and can accommodate LIBs of differing compositions, shapes, and sizes. Some pyrometallurgical methods can recycle Li, but overall these methods are most effective for extracting and recycling high-value metals such as Co.

Volkswagen Electric Car Battery Recycling Plant


水透明方法使用水溶液将金属与LIB分开。经过预处理的电池材料(先前已移除的AL和CU导亚博网站下载体)最常用H提取2SO4和h2O2, although HCl, HNO3,也可以使用包括柠檬酸和草酸在内的有机酸。一旦将金属提取到溶液中,它们就会使用pH滴定选择性地作为盐聚集,或使用含有二烷基磷酸盐或磷酸盐的有机溶剂提取。




Streamlined battery designs that allow facile disassembly would also make the direct recycling methods much more effective. Currently, the direct recycling methods involve the reuse of end-of-life LIBs from electric vehicles in stationary applications. Such an approach requires battery type classification and determination of the charge state and the residual capacity of the recycled batteries.


In addition, the use of novel methods, such as high-voltage treatment or the use of supercritical CO2,将允许更有效的材料分离。反过来,这将提高碳材料的回收效率(例如用阳极中使用的石墨和碳黑色)和电解质。超临界液体介质提取已经证明电解质和粘合剂的回收率相对较高。



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Cvetelin vasilev


Cvetelin vasilev

Cvetelin vasilev拥有物理学的学位和博士学位,并正在谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)从事生物物理学家的职业。他拥有20多年的研究科学家经验,是高级显微镜和光谱技术的应用专家,以更好地了解“软”复杂系统的组织。Cvetelin在聚合物科学,生物物理学,纳米制作和纳米植物学领域的同行评审期刊(17)中拥有40多个出版物。亚博老虎机网登录


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