Over the past few decades, the instrumentation available to record such dynamic processes has undergone a dramatic improvement, to the extent that it is now routine to capture videos at frame rates significantly faster than the human eye can process.
This article outlines low-dose observations of beam-induced dendritic growth. The electron beam reduces Cu metal dendrites’ growth as a metal-organic precursor. Two different experiments were performed.
在这里,介绍了对第一数据集的增长率的分析,这表明通过最近引入综合Python脚本介绍到该数据集中的进一步可能性Gatan显微镜套件®(GMS) software。
High-Speed Observation
It is important that the TEM magnification is set as low as possible without losing the key features, given that low magnification allows the dose rate per camera pixel to be high, relative to the number of electrons per square angstrom of the sample.
相机帧速率需要很高才能高速捕获动态。但是,这里有不可避免的权衡 - 随着帧率的增加,为了维持每个相机框架的最小电子数量,需要更高的剂量率。
如图1所示,从1秒长的视频获得树突生长的视频中有10帧,在75 fps以75 fps收集数据。有关数据集的相应视频,请参见下图1。
To set the optimal conditions for this experiment, a frame rate of 75 fps was chosen with a full 5760 x 4092 pix field of view - despite the fact the K3 IS can acquire data at frame rates in excess of 3500 fps. The dose rate was set at the sample (of 270 e-/一种2/s), and the magnification was set to provide 0.63 Å pixels.
This condition leads to a very low dose rate at the camera of 3.6 e-/一种2/frame (e.g., 1.4 e-/pix/frame). The images were binned x2 in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio at the expense of a small decrease in the spatial resolution for data visualization and analysis.
关于bined图像,每个集合像素的剂量率为5.7 e-/pix/帧。鉴于电子束本身的泊松统计,这会导致单个集合像素为2.3的信噪比。
明确的视频开始出现,通过在数据上执行指数加权的运行平均值来结合几个帧的信号。因此,从有关低剂量TEM的这些计算中阐明了一个重要的一点。在低剂量速率下,75 fps接近最大有用的帧速率,从每个帧中可以从中提取完整分辨率的信息。
Both a direct detection sensor and a real-time counting algorithm are employed by the K3 IS to provide closer and more accurate results than ever before.
图1。10 Frames from a 1 s long video acquisition of dendrite growth. Data was collected at 75 fps. After drift correction, 5 frames were averaged using an exponentially weighted moving average to produce the images shown here. The cumulative dose is given in the top left of each frame, while the time (m:s:ms) is given in the bottom right. The total dose for the entire video was only 270 e-/A2。The full video is below. Image Credit: Gatan Inc.
Video Credit: Gatan Inc.
因此,必须降低空间分辨率,或者必须提高电子剂量速率以保持有用的信噪比,同时将时间分辨率提高。在空间分辨率和剂量率之间进行了权衡,其中所选条件以0.63Å/Pix的数据收集到270 e的剂量率。-/一种2/s。
尽管下一个数据集也将剂量率进一步降低至1.0 e-/一种2/s,it has to do this with a slightly worse spatial resolution. However, this lower dose condition arguably demonstrates another strength of the K3 IS: its pixel resolution and large field of view.
Observing a Large Field of View
Data from a related countedin-situ数据集如图2所示,该图还捕获了Cu树突的生长。再一次,生长是诱导的。在此实验中,观察到10 nm/s的生长速率降低,因为梁剂量速率降低至1.0 e-/一种2/s,
图1中的帧(用于比较)仅在75 fps的1 s中捕获。图2中的数据在8分钟内捕获(持续时间近500倍)。由于实验持续时间较长,剂量速率在图1中比图2高两个数量级,并且图2比单个典型的高分辨率TEM图像低三个数量级。
图2。a)从视频末端附近拍摄的静止框架,显示了整个视频中捕获的整个区域。彩色框表示B,C和D中更详细显示的区域。B)视频末端附近的一个总框架显示了所捕获的高分辨率信息。该框架是在漂移校正后总结100帧的结果。c)从在8分钟的树突增长中获得的视频中的6个总结帧。数据以5 fps收集。漂移校正后,求和10帧以产生所示的图像。累积剂量在每个帧的左上方给出,而时间(M:S:MS)在右下方给出。整个视频的总剂量仅为474 E-/A2。D) A smaller region processed in the same way as in C but displayed at a higher magnification so more detail is visible. Full videos can be found below. Image Credit: Gatan Inc.
Video Credit: Gatan Inc.
Video Credit: Gatan Inc.
The total dose throughout the experiment is 474 e-/一种2,或者在第一个视频中勉强只有2倍:正是这种剂量提供了将树突生长到这种尺寸所需的电子。
The data shown in Figure 2, in addition to capturing data with a lower dose rate, captured a much greater field of view of 5720 x 4060 nm or about 5.7 x 4.1 µm. Though this area is vast, it is sampled with pixels that measure just 0.5 nm in width.
这种超分辨率模式导致具有> 9420万像素的图像,尽管K3的像素> 2350万像素,但该较大的视野可以连续捕获30 fps。
With all things considered, including the experimental trade-offs between electron dose rate, spatial resolution and temporal resolution, the ideal conditions for this experiment were as follows:
- 5 fps的帧速率
- 极低剂量率为1.0 e-/一种2/s
- 像素大小为0.5 nm
A dose rate of 4.8 e-/pix/frame was yielded by this combination, slightly lower than in the high-speed data, wherein the dose rate per binned pixel per frame was 5.7.
Data Analysis
GMS has always had scripting capabilities (typically called DM-scripts to supplement the user interface with additional flexibility and power). One of the key advantages of scripting within GMS is that the results of such scripted acquisition or processing can be visualized and manipulated using the standard user interface.
However, the scripting language therein has been GMS-specific. Though this has also limited the use of other open-source libraries within GMS during TEM data collection, it is also able to be uniquely tailored to the needs of microscopists.
Gatan has integrated Python scripting into the GMS, starting in GMS version 3.4.0, which added the potential to run and edit Python (v 3.7) code directly from the scripting interface.
As displayed by the first example, the code obtains a one-dimensional profile (shown in 3A) from the image as a function of time. This information is then presented as a kymograph, shown in part F, where a clear boundary can be observed, with its slope representing the average growth rate.
第二个分析示例描述了如何使用Scikit-image Python软件包的阈值和形态图像处理函数实现的更复杂的图像分割技术,用于测量相同的树突生长。
The entire process took <10 seconds or 0.4 seconds per million image pixels on a PC with an Intel Core i7 8850H at 2.6 GHz. Though it must be noted that this rate is far too slow to process all the data coming from the K3 IS camera in real-time, it would be possible to process a subset of the data live in this manner.
Figure 3.显微镜的处理和分析。来自1S的数据,用K3捕获的视频计数摄像头。最终帧中的原始数据显示在a)中,以及用于在b)中产生kymograph的配置文件,其中轮廓随着时间的推移进行采样。具有对应于平均线性生长速率的蓝线和垂直绿线的相同基仪,指示哪个轮廓是根据a)在c)中显示了75个原始框架的选择,在a)中显示了75个原始帧的选择,并在相应的分段图像中显示D)。最终(过滤)帧在E中显示,以及相应的分段框架和连接分段区域的过滤框架上的颜色覆盖。在F)中给出了树突长度和面积作为时间函数的最终测量值。Image Credit: Gatan Inc.
使用两个截然不同的时间尺度来捕获束诱导的Cu树突的生长:均使用K3 ISin countedin-situmode. The incoming signal reaching the camera was very weak in both of these cases.
At high speed, this can be attributed to trade-offs that are necessary to balance spatial resolution, framerate and electron dose rate.
缓慢速度下的弱传入信号主要是由于仅1 E的剂量速率非常低。-/一种2/s - three orders of magnitude less than that of a typical HRTEM image. These dose rates, whilst small, were still big enough to drive dendrite growth, though it must be acknowledged that the growth rate was much lower for the lower dose rate.
西北大学NU的Epic设施为这项工作提供了促进ANCECenter, which has received support from myriad programs, including the Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental (SHyNE) Resource (NSF ECCS-1542205); the MRSEC program (NSF DMR-1720139) at the Materials Research Center; the International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN); the Keck Foundation and the State of Illinois, through the IIN.
Kun He (NUANCE) provided the sample used in this work. Ben Miller (Gatan), Paul Smeets and Roberto dos Reis collected data (NUANCE).
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Gatan Inc.
有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Gatan Inc.