
Practical Water Treatment Solution Using Hydrogel Tablets

思想领袖古乌(Guihua Yu)教授亚博网站下载材料科学亚博老虎机网登录与工程和机械工程德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校

Azom与Guihua Yu教授进行了交谈。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校关于一种新型的水凝胶片剂,能够将污染的水快速转化为纯净的饮用水。这个新颖的过程可能会在减轻全球水资源短缺方面产生很大的影响。






我们的水凝胶片consist of a catechol-functionalized chitosan skeleton and quinone-anchored activated carbon particles. The catechol-functionalized skeleton can spontaneously release hydrogen peroxide, a green chemical disinfectant, to kill bacteria. In addition, quinone-modified activated carbon particles speed up and enhance the bacteria-killing efficiency by disrupting the essential metabolization process of bacteria. After disinfection, the tablets are simply removed, leaving no chemical impurities behind in the water.

Practical Water Treatment Solution Using Hydrogel Tablets


Practical Water Treatment Solution Using Hydrogel Tablets


In your research, you mention other water purification methods, including water disinfection using chemicals, thermal-based water treatments and other physical water purification technologies such as membrane filtration and solar assisted distillation. What are the limitations of these methods?


How does your hydrogel tablet overcome the current challenges in water treatment technologies?

我们的developed hydrogels barely need any energy to function. They can be used in two ways: first, using them as disinfection tablets, for which no energy (electricity) is required. You only need to drop the tablets into bacteria-containing water. Our hydrogels will not bring disinfection by-products (DBPs), and they are suitable for long-term use. According to CDC.gov, humans exposed to large amounts of DBPs could experience liver damage, bladder cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and decreased nervous system activity. The second way is to use it as a solar evaporator with a simple distillation setup. In this case, distilled water can be collected, using sunlight as the only energy input.


The initial design took a lot of time since we wanted to make biocompatible hydrogels (chitosan) that had anti-biofouling properties. In addition, the source of bacteria was hard to find. Luckily, we had our collaborators in chemical engineering to help and support us. Teamwork was very important when it came to achieving our goal.



How can this hydrogel tablet improve the lives of people in developing nations who do not necessarily have access to clean water?

As previously mentioned, our hydrogels do not require much energy/electricity, which greatly benefits off-grid communities. The low cost of their raw materials also makes them attractive for people living in developing areas.


It might take a few years to commercialize a product from research, but we believe the broader impact of hydrogel materials in the energy-water nexus is expected to become increasingly important in the years to come.



关于古乌(Guihua Yu)教授

Guihua Yu教授目前曾在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的材料科学,工程和机械工程系任职亚博网站下载。亚博老虎机网登录他的研究兴趣包括纳米结构的聚合物材料和混合有机无机纳米材料的合成和自组装,对其化学和物理性质的基本了解以及对其在能源,环境和可持续性中具有技术重要应用的探索。亚博网站下载

他获得了无数奖项,例如2021年Blavatnik国家奖项,伊迪丝(Edith)和彼得·奥多内尔(Peter O'Donnell)工程奖,德克萨斯州工程与科学学院(TAMEST),2021年,IAAM奖章奖,2021年,Polymer International -IPAC国际奖亚博老虎机网登录2020年,应用聚合物科学的创造力奖。亚博老虎机网登录

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Institute of Physics, Sloan Research Fellow and Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar. He serves as an Associate Editor of ACS Materials Letters.

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贝森·戴维斯(Bethan Davies)


贝森·戴维斯(Bethan Davies)

贝森(Bethan)刚刚从利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)毕业,获得了英语文学和中文研究的一流荣誉。在她的整个研究中,贝森(Bethan)担任中国翻译和校对者。贝森(Bethan)在中国生活了五年,对摄影,旅行和学习不同的文化产生了深远的兴趣。她还喜欢带狗去峰区周围的冒险。贝森(Bethan)的目标是环游世界,将她的相机带到她身边。


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    戴维斯,贝森。“使用水凝胶片的实际水处理溶液”。azom。11 January 2023. .

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    戴维斯,贝森。“使用水凝胶片的实际水处理溶液”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=21014。(accessed January 11, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学

    戴维斯,贝森。2021。Practical Water Treatment Solution Using Hydrogel Tablets。Azom,2023年1月11日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=21014。

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