
The presence of flavors and fragrances is often subtle yet commonplace in our everyday lives. Like any other producers, the companies that manufacture flavors and scents are faced with numerous challenges to stay profitable while ensuring consistency and quality remain top priorities.


  • 最终产品特征的变化
  • Jeopardizing product safety

Batches that have been compromised will be rejected or recalled, which in turn negatively impacts productivity and leads to profit loss. Therefore, it is crucial that the cleaning of the equipment between production batches is carefully undertaken to avoid cross-contamination, which could affect product safety and quality.

Consequently, it is absolutely crucial to validate equipment cleanliness. Some manufacturers monitor the pH or conductivity of the rinse water throughout the final stages of the equipment’s在现场(CIP)周期

While this method may help reveal the presence of inorganic impurities, some contaminants will remain undetected. It is also typical practice for these manufacturers to use test methods that are subjective and approximate in nature, including visual inspections or surface swabs.


A manufacturer of tobacco flavors in Asia conducted a validation of its cleaning process by manually swabbing wetted surfaces of its process vessels to run tests for traces of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).





Unfortunately, olfactory sensitivity is subjective, and the inspection outcome was not quantifiable. This makes it difficult for the manufacturer to exhibit control over the quality of the process, especially during customer audits.




制造商从Suez选择了Sievers* M9 Portable TOC分析仪,由姊妹设施推荐其评估品质。通过依靠紫外线和强大的氧化试剂,Sievers M9 TOC分析仪可以轻松完成完整的样品氧化。

It also includes a unique membrane conductometric detection technology, which allows the analyzer to deliver consistent, accurate and precise readings in just two minutes, even when TOC levels are as low as sub-ppb concentrations.

The SUEZ team assisted in the development of a TOC monitoring program for this facility by recommending that samples be collected at the equipment drain point during the final rinse step of the CIP cycle. A comparison of these measurements with the initial TOC baseline of the incoming rinse water provides a solid understanding of cleanliness.






The manufacturer determined that incoming rinse water values stabilized around one ppm following a period of data collection using the Sievers M9 TOC Analyzer. If the CIP cycle demonstrated its effectiveness, this value would be consistent post-rinse.

如果任何产品残留物保留在设备中,TOC值将在4到5 ppm之间增加,从而显示出明显的app亚博体育污染证据。对结果的评论表明,TOC分析提供了:

  • 与常规ATP测试相比,准确检测产品残留物
  • A more dependable test method than olfactory inspections
  • Quantifiable data
  • 改进的过程理解



A promising feature of the Sievers M9 Portable TOC Analyzer is its adaptability for use at-line or on-line monitoring. This feature gives the manufacturer flexibility when acquiring data in real-time - data that can facilitate key equipment release decisions.

该客户也对安装的简单性感到惊讶SIEVERS M9 TOC分析仪,特别是因为它不需要外部压缩空气来发挥作用。


总而言之,与Sievers M9的TOC分析为该口味制造商提供了一种可靠,全面和可量化的方法,用于验证设备清洁度以保护其产品的质量。app亚博体育


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions.

For more information on this source, please visit苏伊士水技术和解决方案。



  • APA

    苏伊士水技术和解决方案。(2021, October 22). Maintaining Product Quality and Flavor with Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis. AZoM. Retrieved on November 21, 2021 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20869.

  • MLA


  • 芝加哥


  • 哈佛大学

    苏伊士水技术和解决方案。2021。通过总有机碳(TOC)分析保持产品质量和风味。azom, viewed 21 November 2021, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20869.


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