

Ingenio Pichichi是一家领先的哥伦比亚糖厂,在其国内和全球客户的一般制造中使用甘蔗。它的主要目标包括保持环境责任,卓越运营和盈利能力。

Amongst its products are honey, raw sugar, white sugar and brown sugar - processing around 4,300 tons of sugarcane per day. Given this capacity, it is of utmost importance to optimize production and avoid any leaks of the valuable product into process streams.



The resulting evaporation passes on to the next stage and continues throughout all steps. The steam from the final stage is collected in a cooling tank after being condensed using a barometric condenser. The condensed water is collected from each stage and added to the cooling tank to later be used as cooling water.


Thus, it is vital to ensure rapid, effective monitoring of the system for any leaks or elements of concern. Early detection of a product leak can allow operators to stop, divert or refine a unit operation before incurring any unwanted damage or costs.

Sievers Innovox实验室TOC分析仪用于泄漏检测

图1。Sievers* Innovox实验室TOC分析仪用于泄漏检测。图片来源:苏伊士水技术和解决方案




Throughout production at elevated pressures and temperatures, sugar starts to break down into harmful compounds that may cause equipment corrosion, deposition and scaling. In addition, when sugar starts to break down, it loses its HPLC signature peak. This creates an urgent need for a rapid, reliable and precise method to measure sugar.


TOC analyzers function by oxidizing organic molecules to carbon dioxide (CO2) and detecting the CO2that has evolved.

Ingenio Pichichi acquired aSieversInnovOx Laboratory TOC Analyzer(图1)作为表征和介绍系统的投资。这有助于创建蒸汽,冷凝水和冷却水的控制限制,从而支持生产优化,同时最大程度地提高盈利能力。

TOC must be monitored at the following points:

  • 进食第一个锅炉
  • 从每个阶段凝结水
  • Feed and effluent of the cooling tank

The Sievers InnovOx Lab uses Super Critical Water Oxidation (SCWO) and Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Detection across an extensive range of carbon from 50 ppb (µg/L) to 50,000 ppm (mg/L). TOC values expected at the mill are inclined to range from 200-500 ppm; however, any leaks or other issues may generate spikes from 5,000 to 20,000 ppm TOC.


TOC analysis提供准确,易于使用的分析工具,以识别可能造成设备损坏和昂贵生产损失的泄漏。app亚博体育一家领先的哥伦比亚糖厂Ingenio Pichichi试图改善其水流的监测和性能。

其铣削过程的蒸发阶段,需要重复加热和连续蒸汽和冷凝水,这是糖泄漏检测的重要点。通过在这些关键步骤中使用Sievers Innovox实验室使用TOC监控,Ingenio Pichichi可以达到其利润目标并保持运营和环境目标。

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions.

For more information on this source, please visit苏伊士水技术和解决方案。



  • APA

    VEOLIA水技术和解决方案。(2021, October 22). Using Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis to Optimize Sugar Mill Functioning. AZoM. Retrieved on January 11, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20867.

  • MLA

    VEOLIA水技术和解决方案。“使用总有机碳(TOC)分析来优化糖厂的功能”。azom。11 January 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    VEOLIA水技术和解决方案。“使用总有机碳(TOC)分析来优化糖厂的功能”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20867. (accessed January 11, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学



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