
3D打印一项具有成本效益的Rapid Covid-19测试


Because 3D printing allows for it to be deployed quickly and easily, a newly developed at-home COVID-19 test could be a game-changer in the ongoing battle against the virus.





Coronaspresso Covid-19测试

To facilitate an at-home testing setup, the researchers tested an array of household appliances that could be used as a heat source for their LAMP-based tests as a means of heating their samples. After considering the standard household oven, dishwasher, and other appliances, the study team was able to successfully develop a testing model that uses a single-serve Nespresso coffeemaker, and thus dubbed their system the "Coronaspresso".


为了进行测试,将6克的石蜡蜡放在一个空的Nespresso Pod中,将豆荚悬挂在一锅沸水中。然后将测试小瓶装载有样品和底漆,这些样品和引物旨在识别Covid-19基因组的特定讲述区域。将泡沫插入物和3D打印的小瓶固定器放在蜡的顶部,然后将测试小瓶悬挂在融化的蜡中25分钟。

After the samples cooled for three minutes, the researchers performed a visual inspection of their LAMP test vials: A pH reaction triggered by the presence of COVID-19 genetic material caused a yellow-hued color to appear in the vial. In their study report, the researchers said they were able to confirm a high degree of efficacy for their novel solution using PCR tests for comparisons.

While the scientists effectively confirmed their method, they recognized that it currently needs a complex RNA-extraction step before testing can commence. Also, while the vial holder could be 3D printed, the paraffin wax, Nespresso vials, foam float, test vials, and test reagents all need to be sourced.



自大流行开始以来,已经通过多种方式实施了3D打印,以打击该疾病,包括创建新型评估工具包。卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的研究人员制作了3D打印的传感器,可以在十秒钟内识别Covid-19抗体。




Nasal swab designs can be found on online file databases, including a model designed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Even though these designs come from prominent sources, it is difficult to confirm which designs have gone through any clinical validation.


Hanaphy,P。科学家的快速新Covid-19测试套件的3D打印可以少于20便士。3D打印Industry. [Online] Available at:https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/scientists-rapid-new-covid-19-test-kit-can-be-3d-printed-for-less-than-20p-188575/

史密斯,L。Your Nespresso pods could soon double as a COVID-19 test。Fast Company. [Online] Available at:https://www.fastcompany.com/90622543/your-nespresso-pods-can-double-as-a-covid-19检验

Longhitano, G.The role of 3D printing during COVID-19 pandemic: a review。增材制造业的进展。[在线]可用:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7685299/

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布雷特·史密斯(Brett Smith)是一位美国自由作家,拥有布法罗州立大学(Buffalo State College)的新闻学学士学位,并拥有8年的专业实验室工作经验。


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    史密斯,布雷特。(2021, May 06). 3D Printing a Cost-Effective Rapid COVID-19 Test. AZoM. Retrieved on March 11, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20399.

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    史密斯,布雷特。“ 3D打印具有成本效益的快速共vid-19测试”。Azom。11 March 2023. .

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    史密斯,布雷特。“ 3D打印具有成本效益的快速共vid-19测试”。Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=20399。(2023年3月11日访问)。

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    史密斯,布雷特。2021。3D打印一项具有成本效益的Rapid Covid-19测试。Azom, viewed 11 March 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20399.

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