Editorial Feature


Ports have adopted automation at a relatively slow rate compared with other industries. Sectors such as mining and warehousing have been faster to recognize the benefits of automation and implement the technology into their processes. Automation allows ports to operate more safely, minimize human-caused disruption, and enhance performance.

Image Credit: Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock.com

The up-front cost of setting up fully automated shipping solutions has previously acted as a barrier to automating the shipping industry on a global scale. Global mechatronics solution providerStäubli现在已经启动了将其集成到新加坡PSA的集装箱转运中心中的快速充电连接解决方​​案。该技术将使港口变得完全自动化。这也可能是更广泛行业的一个例子,说明如何采用自动化技术来利用众多好处。

The Fully Automated Port

While the world’s first automated container port was created back in the 1990s in Europe, automation has not fully taken off in the industry. To date, roughly 40 more ports have become fully or partially automated, with around half of these being established in the last few years.





PSA枢纽正在试用AGV,该AGV可以携带65吨,并以25 km/h的粉碎速度移动。与传统同行相比,AGV更具成本效益和节能。它们还需要更少的维护,并通过充分发电来帮助港口减少其碳足迹,因此不要将排放量释放到大气中。


Fast Battery Replacement During Maintenance


To address this need, Stäubli has developed its Multi Connect System (MCS) that centralizes different energy sources and can connect them with a single movement. The MCS is perfectly designed to support automatic and rapid operations.

The Future of Fully Automated Shipping Solutions

A recent McKinsey report has highlighted the value of automating the shipping industry. According to current data, successfully automated ports can benefit from a 25-55% reduction in operating expenses and a 10-35% increase in productivity. These figures demonstrate the benefits of fully automated shipping solutions.

The project's potential success at PSA, where Stäubli has been integrated, will likely act as an example to other ports across the globe hoping to benefit from automating their shipping systems. This project in particular will also likely further SingaporeS连接性,除了激发其他位置执行相同的位置外,还强制执行其作为运输中心的重要性。

In the even longer term, the PSA/Stäubli project's inspiration may usher in a new paradigm known in the industry as Port 4.0, which represents a shift from asset operator to service orchestrator. Port 4.0 acts as part of the more significant paradigm shift called industry 4.0, which joins and optimizes production and operations activities with intelligent digital technology, machine learning, and big data. As a result, more value will be generated for the operators of ports, supplies, and customers. While there will be a lot to be leveraged from implementing fully automated shipping solutions, innovative business models will be required to get the most out of this technology.

References and Further Reading

Innovative mechatronic solutions for higher productivity。Stäubli。可用网址:https://www.staubli.com/en-us/

Quick and reliable connections for AGVs at the world最大的集装箱转运端口。Stäubli。可用网址:https://www.staubli.com/index.php?id=13588

The future of automated ports.Fox Chu, Sven Gailus, Lisa Liu, and Liumin Ni. McKinsey. Available at:https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/travel-logistics-and-infrastructure/our-insights/the-future-of-automated-ports

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Sarah Moore

Written by

Sarah Moore

After studying Psychology and then Neuroscience, Sarah quickly found her enjoyment for researching and writing research papers; turning to a passion to connect ideas with people through writing.



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    Stäubli电连接器。2021.通过全自动终端操作彻底改变航运业。azom, viewed 17 January 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20302.


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