Surface metrology, which is used to assess the topography of surfaces, has demonstrated its value in evaluating surface runway textures. Recent research by an international team of scientists from institutions in China, Sweden, and Belgium, has illustrated how surface metrology techniques can be applied to assess how runways change due to cyclic loading and environmental factors. Establishing a reliable method to collect and analyze this type of data opens the door to a process of improving runway materials and supporting more predictable and safer aircraft landings.
Aircraft landing is very much determined by the friction force generated by the texture of runway surfaces. Deterioration of such surfaces and environmental factors such as surface water can influence this friction force.
Over the past few years, there have been several reported incidences where planes have overrun the runway during landing, causing damage to the aircraft and putting passengers' and workers' lives in danger. These incidences have often been related to heavy rain conditions, highlighting the impact of certain factors on the runway surface's friction force.
Current methods used to analyze skid resistance are based on periodic friction measurement, which does not account for surface deterioration or environmental conditions such as rain. Therefore, there is a need for a runway surface analysis model that incorporates these factors.
结果表明,许多因素会影响跑道和飞机轮之间的摩擦系数。团队得出的结论是,随着飞机着陆速度的提高,跑道摩擦系数也会下降。他们还能够根据其系数来生成研究中测试的三种跑道的层次结构:开放式摩擦课程(OGFC)> Stone Mastic Asphalt(SMA)>沥青混凝土(AC)。数据还表明,磨损的SMA和交流标本的摩擦系数在55 km/h的起落速度下降低了0.03和0.06。
The team concluded that the optimal friction coefficient decreased as the wear ratio increased. They also found that wear's influence was more significant at low landing speeds than high landing speeds. The conclusion was that the wet runway's friction coefficients, compared to the dry runway, decreased by 0.36 and 0.38 in partial hydroplaning at water film depths of 3 and 5 mm at a landing speed of 205 km/h. In contrast, at 55 km/h, the friction coefficients decreased by 0.04 and 0.08, demonstrating that hydroplaning effects are more evident at high rather than low speeds.
200反抗。国际摩擦学, 153, p.106589.https://www.亚博老虎机网登录sciendirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/s0301679x20304199?via%3dihub
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