Monitoring Drinking Water Quality

Fresh drinking water is required for life, in addition to being a valuable source of crucial minerals for health. Water for consumption is sourced from several resources, including groundwater, surface freshwaters, and even seawater. The source usually dictates the level of pre-treatment needed before it is thought to be safe for consumption.


CO.ntaminants and nutrients will either be added or removed over the course of any water treatment and due to the treatment processes, those not demineralized may still undergo significant changes in their mineral content.

Another source of toxic metal contamination that can have adverse effects on human health is the corrosion of plumbing material.ICP-MS.has become the method of choice for monitoring drinking waters. The multi-element, quick capability enables large amounts of samples to be routinely analyzed.


The multiple interference management systems available today take away many common spectroscopic interferences to enable simple and routine analysis. Water quality testing laboratories demand greater productivity, faster turnaround times, and lower operating costs.

The PlasmaQuant®MS提供快速,无干扰,多元素分析,具有一个显着差异:适用于饮用水分析的鲁棒血浆条件,仅具有7.5L / min的等离子体(冷却剂)气体。



For the analysis, aPlasmaQuant®MS使用Cetac ASX-520自动进样器和ASXPress快速样品引入系统。方面的软件可以自动优化离子光学,红十字会和等离子体气流。

它还提供了全面的质量控制协议,以满足关键的调节方法的需求,包括UNDPA 200.8。

Table 1.PlasmaQuant®MS操作条件。

范围 SE.ttings
等离子体气体流量 7.5 L / min
Auxiliary Gas Flow 1。00 L/min
雾化器气体流量 1.05 L / min
iCRC Gas Flow 75 mL/min H2, 110 mL/min He
等离子RF功率 1。10 kW
Dwell Time 20毫安
Scans per Replicate 15(跳跃,1 pt /峰)
重复数量 3.
Pump Rate 8 RPM - 黑色/黑色PVC泵管
样品加载时间 4.s (1 mL loop volume)
Stabilization delay 10 s(气体模式之间的5秒)
Ion Optics Auto-optimized

Table 2.Analyte mass, iCRC gas mode, and potential interferences.

Element 天然气模式 Potential Interference
9. None
11.B. None
23.NA. None
25.Mg None
27.AL. None
39.K. None
44.加利福尼亚州 None
51.V. He 16.O.35.CL.
52.CR. He 40.AR.12.C
55.Mn He 40.AR.15.N,39.K.16.O.
56.Fe H2 40.AR.16.O.,40.加利福尼亚州16.O.
59.CO. He 43.加利福尼亚州16.O.
60. He 44.加利福尼亚州16.O.
6.3. He 40.AR.23.NA.
6.6.Zn He 40.AR.26.Mg
75作为 H2 40.AR.35.CL.,40.加利福尼亚州35.CL.
78SE. H2 40.AR.38.AR.
107.AG None
111.光盘 None
121.SB. None
138.BA. None
206,7,8.PB. None


For all solution preparations, the high purity reagents below were utilized:

  • Suprapur 65%硝酸(默克)
  • Deionized water (>18.2 MΩ/cm, Millipore MiliQ)


校准溶液由高纯度,多元素溶液中的1%HNO制备3,其覆盖浓度范围为0至100mg / L的主要元素,对于微量元素为0至100μg/ L.

Internal Standard

The internal standard was added online via the on the peristaltic pump and contained 1 µg/L of Sc, Rh, Ir in 1% HNO3.



Results and Discussion


使用三种优化的气体模式,无气体,他和H.2, analysis times were below 1.5 minutes per sample. The stabilization time between gas modes was less than five seconds. Total argon consumption was 9.55 L/min, which is half the amount usually needed on competitive ICP-MS instruments.

Table 3a.NIST 1643E和1640三重分析的主要元素的平均结果。

Element NIST 1643e NIST 1640.
认证(MG / L) 测量(mg / l) 恢复 % 认证(MG / L) 测量(mg / l) 恢复 %
44.加利福尼亚州 31.5 3.0.7 9.8 7.05 6.。89 9.8
25.Mg 7.84 8.06 103. 5.。82 5.。9.2 102.
23.NA. 20.2 20.9 103. 29.4 28.9 9.9.
39.K. 1.98 2。08 105. 0.99 0.92 9.3.

表3b。平均值result of trace elements from triplicate analyses of NIST 1643e and 1640.

Element NIST 1643e NIST 1640.
认证(MG / L) 测量(mg / l) 恢复 % 认证(MG / L) 测量(mg / l) 恢复 %
9. 13.。6. 13.。2 9.7 34.9 34.8 100.
11.B. 154.0 15.7.8 102. 3.01.1 3.03.6 101.
27.AL. 138.3. 14.4.。8 105. 52.。0 5.3.。4. 103.
51.V. 3.6.。9. 38.。0 103. 13.。0 12.。8 9.9.
52.CR. 19.9 21.0 106. 38.。6. 39.0 101.
55.Mn 38.。0 38.。7 102. 121.。5. 114.6 9.4.
56.Fe 95.7 9.6.。5. 101. 34.3. 35.。6. 104.
59.CO. 26.。4. 26.。3. 100. 20.3 19.4 9.6.
60. 60.9 60.0 9.9. 27.。4. 27.。0 9.8
6.3. 22.2 22.8 103. 85.2 83.9 9.8
6.6.Zn 76.5 79.3. 104. 5.3.。2 51.。4. 9.7
75作为 59.。0 56.8. 9.6. 26.。7 25.。9. 9.7
78SE. 11.7 11.1 9.5. 22.0 23.0 105.
107.AG 1。04 0.99 9.6. 7.62 7.76 102.
111.光盘 6.。4.1 6.。3.0 9.8 22.8 22.8 100.
121SB. 56.9 57.1. 100. 13.。8 14.。1 102.
205TL. 7.26 7.06 9.7 - 0.009
206,7,8.PB. 19.2 18.4 9.6. 27.。9. 26.。9. 9.7


This study shows that thePlasmaQuant®MS供应准确快速地分析,以监测饮用水的质量。样品引入附件的进步将分析时间降至1.5分钟,而红十字国际委员会技术迅速消除有问题的干扰,而不会妥协。



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