HV and UHV Applications of Sub-D Feedthroughs

In recent years, high vacuum (HV) and ultra-high vacuum (UHV) manufacturing have become more advanced and widespread. This has been influenced by the ready availability of functional HV/UHV parts for advanced vacuum systems.


HV and UHV Applications of Sub-D Feedthroughs

What are Sub-D Feedthroughs?


The term can be traced back to the design of the casing which encloses the pin connectors. The same proven design is utilized in Sub-D feedthroughs for vacuum applications.


子D连接和馈通由三个主要的国际标准调节:IEC807-2,C-24308和DIN 41652。

All vacuum connection components by Allectra are approved to the appropriate degree of compliance, whether planned for use on the airside or in the vacuum. These are supplied in a range of designs, such as:

  • 标准子D馈通:微型连接器固定在316L不锈钢法兰,有9-50个镀金镍(NIFE)合金销,每个销的额定功率为3A。几个子D连接器可以嵌入单个法兰中,定制外壳范围高达160cf法兰。
  • 高电流子D丝网:Allectra HC子D馈通可以实现利用镀金专有合金的高功率信号连接,连续使用6a每销的额定值和每个引脚的峰值使用(小于5分钟)10A。
  • 高密度子D馈通:可以采用su高密度连接器bstantially more pins-per-housing by decreasing the diameter of each pin. Up to 26 high-density pins can be enclosed in standard 15 pin Sub-D housings, while 78 HD pins can be enclosed in standard 50 pin Sub-D housings.
  • 混合子D:功率和同轴电板子D馈通设计用于精确的信号要求,其无法通过典型的子D配置实现,例如用于浮动屏蔽同轴电缆变化或每销20A。


Allectra knows that no two vacuum systems are the same. The exact aims and requirements for each individual customer are considered to make sure that the子D馈通选择是应用程序的理想解决方案。

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  • APA

    Allectra Limited。(2020年6月30日)。SUB-D馈通的HV和UHV应用。Azom。从6月22日,2021年6月22日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articled=19399中检索。

  • MLA.

    Allectra Limited。“HV和UHV应用的子D丝纱”。氮杂。2021年6月22日。

  • Chicago

    Allectra Limited。“HV和UHV应用的子D丝纱”。Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articled=19399。(访问2021年6月22日)。

  • Harvard

    Allectra Limited。2020。HV and UHV Applications of Sub-D Feedthroughs。氮杂, viewed 22 June 2021, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=19399.

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