

Further to simple compression testing, testing standards such as ASTM C39, ASTM C109, ASTM C469, ASTM C1609 are among the test methods that can be adhered to in order to take measurements of the mechanical properties of a concrete sample. This article explores the mechanical testing of concrete in lab environments, its automation, and the way to achieve it.

Mechanical Testing of Concrete






Is Manual or Automated Operation More Appropriate for Concrete Testing?

Manually operated systems are frequently enough for concrete testing applications. Nevertheless, particular test standards which govern the concrete industry need strain rate feedback that cannot be attained with manual operation.

对于一部分混凝土测试,必须在所有测试期间具有可验证的加载速率,因为混凝土显示相对于抗压强度的负载率灵敏度。特定的ASTM标准(例如ASTM C39)将加载率指定为特定值或范围,以确保实验室之间和之间的共享一致性。

配备正确的数字指示器时,即使在手动控制的机器上进行了测试,也可以根据ASTM C39的需求计算平均加载率。除了对混凝土行业特别有利的其他特征外,还可以生成基于所选数字指标,负载和压力与时间数据和曲线的其他特征。

对于其他人,例如ASTM C1609,这是在测试期间保持低,一致的速度的必要条件。数字指示器不能控制测试机,因此需要操作员来手动调整阀门以达到指定的费率。因此,不可能精确地遵守需要使用手动操作的系统进行一致的低速测试的标准。






PI指标可以连接到负载电池或手动控制测试机的压力传感器。PI指示器可在下面列出的三种不同型号中获得,具有16个字符显示,三个按钮键盘,超出了ASTM E4力量精度需求。


PI模型在LBF,N,KN和KGF的可选单元处显示峰值载荷。能够使用PI模型运行的ASTM测试方法包括ASTM C39,C78和C109。


对于需要以可验证的负载速率进行测试的具体测试应用,ADMET的PI-R指示器(可与手动操作机器一起使用)还显示负载速率除了峰值负载值。除了使用PI运行的所有ASTM标准外,PI-R模型还具有ASTM C293计算的能力。


PI-XS呈现峰值负载,负载率,应力和应力速率。它可以用于计算ASTM C39,C78,C109和C293。

可以使用其软件Gaugesafe Data Exchange购买PI-XS,在该软件中,用户能够获取实时数值数据并在其PC上显示测试结果以进行进一步分析。


The DFG Concrete Indicator was designed especially for applications in concrete testing, with inspiration from ADMET’s now outdated original GaugeBuster indicator. DFG reports the peak load and stress together with the specimen geometry, dimensions, time, date, and specimen number. Further test report parameters frequently wished for by testing labs include the average rate of loading and the cylinder correction factor that are calculated automatically, the operator ID, specimen weight and age, inputted by the operator, and the cylinder break type and cap type. The DFG is supplied with defined specimen geometries which are necessary in the calculation of the stress values such as cylinder, cube, beam center point loading, beam-3rd point loading, round and cross-sectional area.


Gaugebuster 2

Gaugebuster 2is an adaptable indicator that is available in a variety of sizes (compact, standard, portable) and enables more attributes and channels to be added. The main advantage of the GaugeBuster 2 for concrete testing is that it has the optional auxiliary (encoder) and strain (analog) channels that enable additional testing, such as ASTM C469, to be conducted.

ADMET provides the compressometer-transducer assembly for ASTM C469, Poisson’s ratio, and Young’s Modulus testing. Once a manually-operated machine is outfitted with the GaugeBuster 2 indicator bought with the optional channels and the C469 assembly, axial and transverse strain can be calculated per ASTM C469.

可以使用打印机功能或USB闪存驱动器端口升级Gaugebuster 2基本。打印机端口选项使GaugeBuster 2直接连接到打印机以打印数据和结果,而USB Flash驱动器端口选项启用测试结果,XY数据,测试设置和校准表可以直接保存到闪存驱动器。如果无法始终访问指示器旁边的计算机,这些选择尤其是使用。

所有Gaugebuster 2型号都可以配备Gaugesafe Basic,Plus或Live软件。Gaugesafe Basic提供数值测试结果,而Gaugesafe Plus提供数值和图形。Gaugesafe Live提供实时测试数据以及所有测试时间内的实时图。由于并非每个用户都有相同的软件功能要求,因此ADMET提供了从最适合其要求的软件包中进行选择的选项。


巨型测试系统的设计目的是解决手动操纵混凝土系统的问题以及与大型且昂贵的执行器开发的典型伺服液压测试系统相关的费用。通过将手动控件替换为操作测试帧中的手动控件,允许在负载,位置或应变控制中自动控制和操作,以确保可以运行诸如ASTM C1609或EN 14651之类的测试。

Megaforce混凝土测试系统可使用高达69 MPA或10,000PSI的压缩机运行。根据系统选择的指标,创建了自动抗压强度测试报告,这节省了时间以及手动生成报告所需的费用,同时降低了错误的风险。


Conducting more complex calculations frequently necessitates more data analysis capabilities, more control, and the ability to run tests in the tensile direction or in a broad range of load capacities. ADMET’s adaptable universal testing machines supply a great deal of benefits as an all-in-one solution for any type of concrete testing including tension, compression, and flexion with automated control and strain-rate feedback. A portion of the tests that can be categorized in this way includes ASTM C307, ASTM C469, ASTM C1609, and EN 14651.

Electromechanical Testing Systems

专家2600机电测试系统提供在桌面或地板站立配置中,最高可达400KN(90,000磅)的力容量。伺服控制电动机以极慢的净挠度速率实现运行测试。结果,配备了Mtestquattro软件的更大容量专家2600型号经常用于运行复杂的测试标准(如ASTM C1609)。


eXpert 1600 servo-hydraulic testing systems, with the capability to measure up to 600 kN (135,000 lbf), are developed to conduct compression, tension, and flexion testing. These testing systems can be equipped with various additions including simple compression platens or spherically seated compression platens, the ASTM C469 compressometer-transducer assembly, ASTM C1609 bend fixture assembly with two transducer installed, as well as the EN 14651 bend fixture with one transducer mounted mid-point on the fixture.

An automatic, adaptable machine likeADMET的专家1657伺服液压测试系统对于诸如进行采矿或井下胶结活动之类的行业,可能需要进行屈曲,压缩和可能的张力,可能需要广泛的精确测试。





  • APA

    Admet,Inc .-材料亚博网站下载测试设备。app亚博体育(2020, October 16). Manual Concrete Testing vs. Automation for Construction. AZoM. Retrieved on June 18, 2021 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=18522.

  • MLA

    Admet,Inc .-材料亚博网站下载测试设备。app亚博体育“手动混凝土测试与施工自动化”。azom。18 June 2021. .

  • 芝加哥

    Admet,Inc .-材料亚博网站下载测试设备。app亚博体育“手动混凝土测试与施工自动化”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=18522。(2021年6月18日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Admet,Inc .-材料亚博网站下载测试设备。app亚博体育2020。手动混凝土测试与施工自动化。azom, viewed 18 June 2021, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=18522.


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