Ambient Air Analysis Intercomparison with Vocus PTR-TOF

Tofwerk及其合作伙伴Aerodyne Research最近在荷兰的Cesar天文台部署了VOCUS PTR-TOF 2R,以参加ACTRIS密集的PTR-MS比对。


ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure) is a plan to combine the efforts of European researchers in order to develop and share high-quality observations of trace gases, aerosols and clouds.

The aim of this two week campaign was to assess and compare best practices for background subtraction and PTR-MS calibration to improve the accuracy of measurements and the precision of critical atmospheric VOCs. TheVocus PTR-TOF 2Rperformed with 11 other PTR-MS at the CESAR observatory, eight of which also utilized TOFWERK TOF mass analyzers.

The ACTRIS campaign took place at the CESAR observatory in the Netherlands. 12 PTR-MS measured VOCs in ambient air for two weeks, sampling from a shared 10-meter sampling line.

The ACTRIS campaign took place at the CESAR observatory in the Netherlands. 12 PTR-MS measured VOCs in ambient air for two weeks, sampling from a shared 10-meter sampling line.

Vocus PTR-TOF 2R

TheVOCUS 2R在整个两周内进行了连续的2 Hz测量(每秒2次质谱),从公共10米采样系中采样了环境空气。

Running entirely on its own, the instrument carried out automatic calibrations each hour with a certified gas standard, and one minute automatic background measurements every 30 minutes. Illustrated below is an example of a 2 Hz xylene time series. The inset shows the high frequency response and accuracy as a result of the high sensitivity of the Vocus.

用Ptr-TOF 2R在2 Hz下记录的环境二甲苯浓度的示例时间序列。插图证明了在浓度在150至350 pptv之间的精度和快速响应

用Ptr-TOF 2R在2 Hz下记录的环境二甲苯浓度的示例时间序列。插图证明了在浓度在150至350 pptv之间的精度和快速响应。


The high sensitivity of this instrument combined with its high mass resolving power (~12,000 as tuned during this campaign) enables clear spectral identification at an unrivalled speed.


The Vocus 2R is able to resolve many ions at each nominal mass. As an example, data at mass/charge 105 Th show 5 distinct ions. Unique time series are reported for each of these ions.

The Vocus 2R is able to resolve many ions at each nominal mass. As an example, data at mass/charge 105 Th show 5 distinct ions. Unique time series are reported for each of these ions

TOFWERK and Aerodyne kindly thank Professor Rupert Holzinger at Utrecht University for planning this intercomparison and for the invitation to participate.


For more information on this source, please visitTofwerk。



  • APA

    Tofwerk。(2019年9月10日)。环境空气分析与vocus ptr-tof相比。azom。于2022年8月8日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Tofwerk。“环境空气分析与vocus ptr-tof的比较”。azom。08 August 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    Tofwerk。“环境空气分析与vocus ptr-tof的比较”。azom。//。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Tofwerk。2019.Ambient Air Analysis Intercomparison with Vocus PTR-TOF。Azom,2022年8月8日,。


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