The Role of Oil Analysis in Marine Industries


  • 海军海军
  • 商人舰队
  • 邮轮


国家使用海军来表现影响力和权力。可靠性至关重要,因此石油分析is commonly employed. The cruise line entertainment industry is a quickly growing part of the marine market with high profitability, so reliability is important for success.





When it comes to the marine market there are three key challenges. The first is overcapacity in shipping with more vessels out on the seas than goods in supply. Merchant lines are managing different approaches in order to reduce costs because of that. A number of those approaches have a negative effect on the reliability of the equipment, which is whyon-site oil analysisis crucial, especially with regard to slow steaming issues.




These major issues affect the industry, and mean it is more complicated than ever. Today, on board monitoring is crucial to navigate through these processes.



As it is the first response and is a neutralizer for those sulfuric acids which are produced when high sulfur fuel is burned, the base number (BN) of the oil is absolutely vital. The system oil itself is the second lubrication system. Essentially, the system oil is separated from the cylinder area and is similar to a traditional four-stroke engine oil application.


对于VGP许可要求,这些EAL或可生物降解的流体需要与许多与水接触的液压系统和推进器等许多旋转设备进行切换。app亚博体育必须管理这些不溶性的水或水溶性PAG/ EAL风格的植物油基润滑剂。如果他们没有仔细管理,他们将不会拥有相同的预期寿命。

The drive is to go towards higher synthetic, long-life applications for particular gearbox applications. Though this is more costly at the front end, they can achieve a much longer life if they are monitored extremely carefully.




It is suggested to monitor those numbers continually, both on the incoming lubricant if it is coming right out of the bunker, or if you have a blending on board system. When you have added waste engine oil or system oil as a package to bring up the base number, it should be monitored before it sprays on the cylinders. It is important to keep an eye on the base number once it comes off the cylinders and drips out on the residual drain.

If the number changes dramatically, it indicates the level of sulfurous fuels and the flow rates. Another test to perform is checking the scrape down oil, which is essentially the residual material. The ferrous content should be checked because it indicates the amount of corrosive wear which is generated if the alkaline reserve is incorrect or if there is an incorrect range of treat rate to the cylinders.




Due to the aforementioned sulfur cap, there will be more engines which are powered by natural gas, or LPG propane based ships. There may be a bigger requirement for total acid number in those situations, which is extremely similar to land-based natural gas compressors where TBN and TAN are necessary.

在旋转设备,尤其是存在矿物或EAL流体的推进器液app亚博体育压情况下,应测试粘度,黑色密度和水含量。EAL型流体具有极高的水能力。可以有四到6%的水,最高水为60,000 ppm。由于它在解决方案中持有,因此对于应用程序而言,这不是问题,但是有必要能够衡量并能够控制它。

Since it determines the level of oxidation if there is any hydrolysis or breakdown occurring, total acid number is also vital. Elemental spectroscopy is necessary to establish if there are any wear additives and contaminants present. Particle count is important to determine the overall debris in addition to how well the filters are doing.




In each of these circumstances for on board applications, theMinilab系列被推荐。可以定制它以符合您的特定要求,并可以执行本文中提到的所有测试。

也建议使用Truvu 360。它有助于管理您在船上分析的数据,并可以立即发布报告。对于与硫帽状况有关的商人舰队,建议您探索一些燃料质量保证的东西,尤其是在建立硫含量时。

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by AMETEK Spectro Scientific.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Ametek Spectro Scientific。



  • APA

    Ametek Spectro Scientific。(2019年8月26日)。石油分析在海洋工业中的作用。azom。于2021年12月19日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Ametek Spectro Scientific。"The Role of Oil Analysis in Marine Industries".azom。19 December 2021. .

  • Chicago

    Ametek Spectro Scientific。"The Role of Oil Analysis in Marine Industries". AZoM. // (accessed December 19, 2021).

  • 哈佛大学

    Ametek Spectro Scientific。2019。The Role of Oil Analysis in Marine Industries。azom, viewed 19 December 2021, //



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