

增加电荷 - 放电周期的总数,提高能量密度并提高安全性方面,同时减轻体重和成本构成了可充电电池的持续开发。为了实现这些措施,需要新颖的材料和创新,例如在将其引入生产周期之前亚博网站下载必须进行严格测试的固态电池。

This high energy density can be very dangerous, and it is one of the reasons that a majority of devices are forbidden on commercial aircraft. Moreover, mechanical damage, such as separator penetration and brittle failure of the electrodes, can lead to significant releases of stored energy, like battery fires (see Figure 1).



In addition, stresses arising from fabrication, mechanical (or ion)-induced stiffening and swelling, failures of coatings, and mechanical damage and stresses arising from numerous charge-discharge cycles represent considerable challenges in the development and integration of new devices. Therefore, for the sake of performance and safety reasons, it is essential to understand the mechanical performance of these devices, including every component at a suitable size scale.


由于锂具有高电极电势,因此在电池电极中形成核心成分。相反,该元素对氮,氧气和水具有高度反应性,并在暴露于水分或水时会在氧气中点燃。结果,必须在受监管的环境中进行测试。布鲁克的hysitron®TI 980 IO TriboIndenter®这些实验使用的是,它提供了一个少于1 ppm的水分和氧气水平的受控大气(见图2)。

息肌®TI 980 IO offers compatibility for most options, including a temperature from -80 °C to +800 °C, indentation at both low (sub 10 µN) and high (up to 10 N) loads, in a controlled gas environment.

图2。息肌®Ti 980 IO提供了大多数选项的兼容性,包括从-80°C到+800°C的温度,在受控的气体环境中,在低(下10μn)和高(最高10 n)载荷的凹痕。

Case A: Time-Dependent Deformation—Creep and Strain Rate Effects for 4N Lithium

When it comes to batteries, lithium metal is regarded as a suitable material because it has the lowest negative electromechanical potential and ultra-high theoretical specific capacity. Despite this, lithium is an exceptionally soft metal, showing time-dependent plastic deformation. In this regard, establishing the nanomechanical characteristics of battery materials, such as hardness and elastic modulus, and inferring nanomechanical behaviors, like the plastic flow of the emerging battery materials, are vital for failure analysis and hypothetical predictions.


4N锂的应变速率的影响。计算了0.06的应变率指数:(a)应变速率对加载曲线的影响;(b)粘塑性,导致卸载时蠕变。即使是从5 MN的1秒卸载也会导致这种持续的粘塑性。更快的卸载速率(例如-50 MN/秒)必须应用于使用传统的卸载刚度来计算减少模量。

4N锂的应变速率的影响。计算了0.06的应变率指数:(a)应变速率对加载曲线的影响;(b)粘塑性,导致卸载时蠕变。即使是从5 MN的1秒卸载也会导致这种持续的粘塑性。更快的卸载速率(例如-50 MN/秒)必须应用于使用传统的卸载刚度来计算减少模量。

图3。4N锂的应变速率的影响。计算了0.06的应变率指数:(a)应变速率对加载曲线的影响;(b)粘塑性,导致卸载时蠕变。即使是从5 MN的1秒卸载也会导致这种持续的粘塑性。更快的卸载速率(例如-50 MN/秒)必须应用于使用传统的卸载刚度来计算减少模量。

这种恒定的应变率可以定义为在哪里δis the depth andɛis the strain. Conversely, this can be simplified as在哪里pdenotes the load, provided the material has constant hardness with regards to depth. The strain rate sensitivity exponent, in this case, is found to be 0.06 — 10 times that of large-grained copper and twice that of nanocrystalline copper.




Figure 4 shows maps of hardness and modulus achieved for lithium deposited on a copper working electrode.




在25 x25μm上执行625个凹痕花了30分钟2使用布鲁克的区域加速属性映射(XPM™)技术。In this example, the viscoplastic effect on the unloading slope was resolved using unloading times of 100 ms. The distribution of the modulus and hardness across the sample is shown by the indentation maps in Figure 4. This spatial precision is partly due to the reduced indentation depth when compared to the thickness of the film and the size of the heterogeneity. The statistical distribution of modulus and hardness is shown in Figure 5.

The distribution of (a) reduced modulus and (b) hardness of lithium deposited on copper electrode determined by 625 measurements.

The distribution of (a) reduced modulus and (b) hardness of lithium deposited on copper electrode determined by 625 measurements.

图5。The distribution of (a) reduced modulus and (b) hardness of lithium deposited on copper electrode determined by 625 measurements

Assuming numerous distributions, this data can be further examined to find out the average and also the maximum and minimum properties of the electrodeposited film.


Using Bruker’sHysitron TI 980 IO测试套件, nanomechanical testing of battery materials was successfully carried out in a regulated, argon-filled environment. This initial study represents the instrument’s basic capabilities to enable mechanical characterization of emerging materials in a quantitative manner and also provides a better understanding to enhance mechanical performance.


  1. Müller, S., Pietsch, P., Brandt B., Baade P., Andrade, V., Carlo F., and Wood V.,Nature Comm.,9(2018),第1页。2340。
  2. Xu R.,Sun H.,Vasconcelos L.和Zhao K.,J. Elecrochem. Soc.,164(2017),A3333。
  3. Kumar R.,Lu P.,Xiao X.,Huang Z.和Sheldon B.,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (2017), p. 28406.

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