Advances in Analytical Techniques Enhance Food Safety


Following recent changes in legislation, made to ensure the safety of our food, food manufacturers are now legally responsible for the safety and quality of their products. This includes the need to verify the contents of raw ingredients that are bought in. These must be tested to ensure that there are no unexpected constituents or contaminants. The regulations clearly stipulate who is held responsible for ensuring the purity of foodstuffs at each stage of the manufacturing process. In addition, food manufactures are now required to list all ingredients and highlight any potential allergens on the labels of their products.


Consequently, there is increasing demand for sensitive and reliable analytical techniques that provide results rapidly and can be easily integrated into routine food screening protocols at each stage of the manufacturing process.

Pittcon 2019 will pick up the themes of Pittcon 2018 to bring details of the latest advances in analytical chemistry for food safety.

Analytical techniques for determining food safety


长期以来,质谱(MS)一直是确定已知污染物水平的首选技术,并继续在确保食品安全方面发挥重要作用。最近,已经开发出各种新型的光谱方法来解决特定的具有挑战性的分析应用。原子吸收光谱(AAS)和电感耦合血浆 - 光学发射光谱(ICP-OES)有效地量化了食物中的微量元素和纳米颗粒。yabo214使用激光诱导的分解光谱(LIB)确定了来自不同物种的肉类元素成分的差异,以实现肉类识别。DART-HRMS已鉴定出从包装材料中浸入食物中的染料。亚博网站下载

Efforts to identify the source of food-borne infections has been aided by increases in the discriminatory capacity of whole genome sequencing (WGS). Data from the genomic analyses of numerous food samples have been compiled to facilitate the identification of pathogens, such as Listeria and Salmonella. This in turn has enabled more focussed epidemiologic investigations, and the solving of more outbreaks.


Combating food fraud

The rising level of food fraud has prompted several global initiatives to stamp out such dishonest practices. Many forms of deceit have been used to increase profit margins, but most commonly they involve the replacement or bulking out of premium components with cheaper alternatives. It is important that dishonest traders are brought to justice, not only to protect consumers but also to protect the livelihoods of honest producers. With increasingly complicated global food supply chains, fraudsters have found it easier to get away with wide-scale malpractice. This has necessitated routine spot checks to confirm the authenticity of marketed food and drink products. As ever more cunning ways to deceive customers without being discovered are devised, more sophisticated analytical techniques are required to uncover cases of unscrupulous activity.

Pittcon 2018强调了Bruker NMR食品屏幕镜在有效地确定橄榄油,蜂蜜,啤酒和葡萄酒的真实性方面取得了成功。它与光谱库结合使用,允许现成的掺假产品识别。现在,该仪器的能力已进一步扩展,并将在Pittcon 2019上获得详细信息。

The precision elemental analysis provided by LIBS spectrometers has also proved to be useful in the detection of food fraud, such as adulteration of coffee and mis-labelled meat products. The recent addition of handheld LIBS devices provides an easy means for spot-checking food products for signs of fraudulent practices.


The ability to drastically reduce the size of specialist components of sophisticated analytical instrumentations has made it possible to produce a variety of portable and hand-held analytical devices. These have tremendously facilitated both the screening of food for quality during the manufacturing process and also the detection of food fraud. Samples for authenticity and purity screening can now be analysed on site, obviating the need for immediate transportation to a control laboratory.


Project Foodsmartphone正在进一步迈出一步,并开发可以集成到智能手机中的分析技术。然后,获得的结果可以立即无线传输到感兴趣的各方。此外,该技术将使公众能够积极参与筛查食品,以实现过敏原的真实性,纯度和准确的标记。Michel Nielen将在Pittcon 2019上讨论这个项目。

Find out more at Pittcon 2019

All these topics, and more, will be covered at Pittcon 2019, which is taking place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia from 17 to 21 March 2019. A range of talks, symposia and courses will illustrate how researchers are continually developing incredibly more powerful and ingenious technologies to enable food manufacturers to be assured of the quality of the food they send to market and also to increase the abilities of regulators to detect fraudulent practices in the food industry. For more details of these visit thePittcon 2019 guide.

Numerous market-leading producers of analytical technologies suited to food quality screening, including Applied Spectra, Bruker, Rigaku, and ThermoFisher, will also be present at Pittcon 2019 to discuss the latest additions to their capabilities and address your specific analytical requirements.


Pittcon®is a registered trademark of The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, a Pennsylvania non-profit organization. Co-sponsored by the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh and the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, Pittcon is the premier annual conference and exposition on laboratory science.

Proceeds from Pittcon fund science education and outreach at all levels, kindergarten through adult. Pittcon donates more than a million dollars a year to provide financial and administrative support for various science outreach activities including science equipment grants, research grants, scholarships and internships for students, awards to teachers and professors, and grants to public science centers, libraries and museums.

访问pittcon.orgfor more information.



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