
Motion control systems, which normally control the position of actuator or stage, are at times given the task of providing both position and force control. These systems operate in a dual mode, in which either the position or the force applied is controlled by the motion controller.


Example: A-131 Frictionless precision linear actuator with air bearings


这value of force that can be applied is a function of the power available in the motor and drive system. The resolution and precision with which force can be controlled is a function of the bandwidth and control system fidelity. It is possible to apply force in horizontal or vertical directions. A counterbalance system is needed when it comes to vertical motion. The counterbalance system must be designed in such a way that it is friction-free to prevent parasitic friction from being introduced into the system.

在典型的力控制应用中,对于阶段的定位至关重要,非常接近阶段与目标基板接触的地步。这motion controller动态转移到力控制模式(不会丢失伺服锁)并移动舞台,直到达到目标力。随后,控制系统可以维持恒定的力或更改力粘附在编程的轮廓上。在这种模式下,允许阶段的位置在控制施加力时自由移动。

Common applications of force control:

  • 微型安排
  • 抛光非平板或平面表面
  • Assembly operations in which it is necessary for a force to be applied during a bond or weld operation
  • 制动摩擦测试
  • 触摸接口和按钮组件的生命周期和耐用性测试
  • 触摸屏灵敏度测试

根据系统的不同,可以控制施加力的重复性和精度水平会有差异。PI为客户开发了许多系统,这些系统可以使高达0.5 n的力以精度和重复性大于±0.02 n进行控制。

Highly repeatable force control: PI has experience with air bearings and force control down to the 0.5 N range with accuracy and repeatability of better than ±0.02 N.

高度可重复的力控制。PI具有空气轴承和力控制的经验至0.5 n范围,其准确性和重复性优于±0.02N。



该信息已从Pi(Physik Instrumente)LP(Pilezo Nano定位)提供的材料中采购,审查和调整。亚博网站下载

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问PI(Physik instrumente)LP,Piezo Nano定位



  • APA

    Pi(Physik instrumente)Lp。(2019年9月6日)。具有无摩擦空气轴承的高度精确的力和位置控制。azom。于2021年8月14日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=17508检索。

  • MLA

    Pi(Physik instrumente)Lp。“具有无摩擦空气轴承的高度精确的力和位置控制”。azom。14 August 2021. .

  • Chicago

    Pi(Physik instrumente)Lp。“具有无摩擦空气轴承的高度精确的力和位置控制”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=17508。(2021年8月14日访问)。

  • Harvard

    Pi(Physik instrumente)Lp。2019.具有无摩擦空气轴承的高度精确的力和位置控制。Azom,2021年8月14日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=17508。


