Clean Stainless Steel for Oil and Gas Applications


在某些行业中cleaning stainless steelcan be as simple as blowing the surface off with a damp rag or compressed air. In other industries, such as stack sampling GC or HPLC chromatography or environmental sampling, it is crucial to assess the solvent to confirm it leaves no trace contaminants on the surface which can result in false positive results or analyte adsorption.


So here are a few tips on维护和清洁不锈钢表面:


  • Resurface as needed
    随着时间的流逝,油漆剥落,道路会得到锅孔,家具需要抛光;大多数表面都需要某种维护。下次您沿着那条车辙的道路行驶时,请考虑一下您的关键流道 - 我敢打赌它也需要维护。
  • Don't steam clean
    Steam cleaning is not a good idea, no matter what your surface. Particulates normally found in live steam will deposit on your surface, which will contaminate your process or sample.
  • Set a regular surface maintenance schedule
    You do equipment preventative maintenance, why not PM your critical flow paths?
  • Don't abrade or change surface roughness
    A rough surface can trap contaminants and increase unwanted surface interaction.


You don't need to see goop dripping out of a critical flow path to realize it needs to be cleaned. Set a cleaning schedule and learn the signs of surface contamination.

Signs you may need to clean the surface are:

  • A film or other contamination on the surface
  • 年龄
  • 过程污染
  • 腐蚀
  • 峰值或峰失真的损失,实验室结果不佳
  • Calibration problems
  • 颗粒



  • Polar solvent for reactive contaminants
  • Non polar solvent for hydrocarbon removal


Common effective solvents are:

  • Mild sonication
  • Methanol/IPA
  • Dichloromethane
  • Acetone
  • Water


Research industry publications for best practices, and develop your own written method to guarantee consistency. Different industries have different approved清洁方法。A valuable resource for establishing baseline cleaning criteria in a number of industries is the Compressed Gas Association CGA G-4.1.


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by SilcoTek.

For more information on this source, please visit西尔科特克。


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    西尔科特克。(2023, February 21). Clean Stainless Steel for Oil and Gas Applications. AZoM. Retrieved on March 10, 2023 from //

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    西尔科特克。“用于油气应用的清洁不锈钢”。Azom。10 March 2023. .

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    西尔科特克。2023。Clean Stainless Steel for Oil and Gas Applications。Azom,2023年3月10日,。


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