

Azom与Karbach博士进行了交谈,以了解Currenta Analytics为调查其客户的重大投诉所做的工作。

Currenta Analytics如何在故障分析领域起作用?

Currenta is a service provider located in CHEMPARK Leverkusen. The division Currenta Analytics offers an extensive range of analytical services for research, development and production in industry such as material analytics. For example, in this field we investigate material complaints for our customers.



For Solid State and Surface Analytics we can fall back on a large portfolio of methods and techniques. Therefore, we have got techniques like Infrared and RAMAN Spectroscopy combined with Microscopy, Thermal Analysis, X-ray Diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Microscopy. In addition to this we perform SEM (scanning electron microscope) and elemental analysis as well as nanoindentation experiments.


Currenta Analytics使用哪些类型亚博网站下载的材料?

In Solid State and Surface Analytics department we mainly work on polymers and their raw materials, additives and fillers which can be used in almost any application. We can measure all types of materials, from very soft to hard metals, ceramics and organics. Typical areas of application for these materials are industries such as pharmaceuticals and crop protection, consumer goods and construction as well as transportation, electrical engineering/electronics.


What different techniques do you use for failure analysis?

We use a variety of imaging and analytical techniques to help our customers tackle their problems at their roots.


When analyzing coatings, we would cross section the sample and use an AFM to image all fine layers in the micro- and nanometre range to understand the problem. We can subsequently determine whether there are issues with an interpenetrating layer or an unwanted deposit in the layers of the coating.

We also offer compositional analyses using techniques such as IR Spectroscopy or Raman, and often dissolve the sample in solvent for further measurements. If the sample looks crystalline, we perform crystallographic analysis using X-ray Diffraction to observe its crystal structure and determine if it is disturbed.

Nanoindentation plays an important role when it comes to observing the intersections between materials such as the weld seam in metals or bonding polymers together. For example, we had a customer who welded polymer strips for packaging. One in a thousand strips would break and the customer asked why.

Using optical microscopy and nanoindentation, we determined the mechanical properties of the weld seam.


If you carry out a large mechanical test, you only have a large piece to process. With nanoindentation, however, you concentrate directly on the area in which the sample breaks or bends.


Through nanomechanical tests we can determine where bends and breaks come from then we feed this back to the designers who can then improve their design.


We have been working with Hysitron for 18 years. Initially, it was a project that focused on thin layers of coatings with a thickness of several micrometres. The equipment we had back then was not suitable because we needed something precise enough to work at a nanoscale thickness and a low force. The TriboIndenter from Hysitron was exactly what we needed.




Figure 1.3D印刷聚乳酸(PLA)链的横截面上的XPM模量图。

We can refer to the image above to describe whether certain areas are correct or where the failure comes from. The speed allows you to adjust the range using the optical microscope. You go to the nanoindenter stage with the sample, adjust the area and then use the indenter to adjust the procedure and measure, e.g. 20,000 indentations overnight.

Alternatively, you can use the old-fashioned standard method, which is more suitable in some cases. Measurements for each individual indentation allow you to adjust the depths, so that this instrument has some of the best features of the new and the old.

About Dr Alexander Karbach

Dr Alexander Karbach

Dr. Alexander Karbach works as Material Scientist with over 30 years’ experience in the field of materials characterization of polymers, rubber, metals, ceramics, hybrid materials and drugs.

在Currenta Analytics,他负责地面和固态分析。

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    Bruker Nano Surfaces. "Using Nanoindentation for Comprehensive, Industrial Failure Analysis".AZoM。08 August 2022. .

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    Bruker Nano Surfaces. "Using Nanoindentation for Comprehensive, Industrial Failure Analysis". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=16657. (accessed August 08, 2022).

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    Bruker Nano Surfaces. 2019.使用纳米限制进行全面的工业衰竭分析。Azom,2022年8月8日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=16657。

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