发射光的去极化量与方向运动的速度有关 - 快速方向运动将导致更多的去极化,反之亦然。
图1。Anisotropy equation.
In order to make use of this information, polarizers are inserted into the excitation light path and the emission light path of a fluorometer. Anisotropy is calculated looking at the ratio of intensities in the above equation, and here IVV indicates the intensity with vertically polarized excitation and vertical polarization on the detected emission.
Figure 2.使用激发和发射极化器旋转至0度(垂直,V)和90度(水平,H)方向的荧光各向异性实验的描述。
Figure 3.用于应用各向异性,R和时间分辨各向异性R(T)的一些有用方程。(Lakowicz,2006)(Valeur,2002)
图4。Time-resolved anisotropy measurement
What are the Applications of Fluorescence Anisotropy?
Below it is possible to see a series of equations which can be used for the各向异性结果的分析。The basic anisotropy equation has already been outlined above, but this can also be calculated for whole fluorescence decays, allowing for the calculation of time-resolved anisotropy.
图5。Temperature induced unfolding of BSA protein monitored by fluorescence anisotropy of intrinsic tryptophan residues
Once time-resolved anisotropy has been calculated, it is possible to obtain reorientation time constants and then invoke the Perrin equation and Stokes Einstein Debye equation to gain approximate values for properties like local viscosity, diffusion coefficient and molecular volumes.
These properties relate to crucial information when examining applications like polymer aggregation, protein or molecular binding; or a range of other local environment studies using complex materials and solutions.
图7。Left: ANS fluorescence intensity vs. time for a stopped flow mixing of BSA and ANS to measure ANS binding to the protein measured on a HORIBA FluoroMax-4. Top Right: Stopped flow fast mixing accessory. Bottom right: Schematic of the stopped flow accessory.
How Can I Control the Sample Temperature on a Fluorometer?
Circulating baths are useful where a temperature must be set and held during an experiment, but a Peltier temperature controller is a more appropriate choice where samples are highly sensitive to temperature changes or must be measured at different temperatures over a range.
The Peltier controlled cell holder has a much quicker response than a traditional water bath, enabling temperatures within the range of -25 °C to 105 °C to be regulated. These devices are able to achieve a much more precise level of temperature control than a circulating bath which has the tendency to ramp up to a temperature, go over it and then return to it until the target temperature is reached.
As a further option, it is possible to use cryostats and associated mounting kits. These are available for various models of liquid nitrogen and helium cryostats and besides cooling, most of these devices are also able to heat samples up to 500 K and more.

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