使用SI20亿杆作为Li/Na Ion电池中的阳极

锂离子电池在储能中发挥着越来越重要的作用。像特斯拉这样的公司将其视为电动汽车的能源存储解决方案,并解决与可再生能源相关的间歇性问题。他们对许多电荷循环的庞大能量密度和容量使它们在移动设备中几乎无处不在 - 但它们有问题。


As the field of synthesising and characterising 2D materials grows ever more advanced, these seemingly-miraculous substances are displaying fascinating and often highly useful properties. Since graphene was first synthesised through exfoliation, and new methods such as layering atoms onto a substrate with atomic layer deposition or molecular beam epitaxy have become widely used, theoreticians have been keenly exploring the potential for these materials with their calculations. Such calculations suggested in 2015 that there was the potential to synthesise a graphene-like layer of Si2BN – two atoms of silicon bound to a boron atom and a nitrogen atom.

其他石墨烯类似物(如德国烯)在晶格结构中显示屈曲,但SI2BN具有平坦的六边形结构,可以创建纳米管。预计该材料在各种不同的物理条件下都是稳定的 - 可能是80万或更高的温度。

Monolayer Si2BN was then subject to a number of theoretical characterisations, and has drawn a great deal of interest from the renewable energy industry. At first, it was considered that it might be useful as a means of hydrogen storage. Many renewables advocates hope to store the intermittent power from wind turbines and solar panels in the form of hydrogen, which can be produced by electrolysis during times when supply is at a peak.

阻止“氢经济”起飞的因素之一是储存氢的困难,这并不是特别的能量浓度和爆炸性。因此,包括美国能源部在内的研究小组的努力试图找到将氢化化学结合的材料。亚博网站下载在层表面上的硅的存在引起了希望,希望它足够反应能够储存大量氢 - 但也产生了另一种积极作用。SI20亿杆是锂离子电池的绝佳阳极。

Image credit: CyrillLutz/Shutterstock

2017年Nano Energy中的一篇论文描述了这一属性。该论文的标题是“二维SI2BN的奇怪案例:高容量电池阳极材料” - 指出了该材料的异常性质。它具有吸附和存储锂离子的理论能力,其可能比当今电池中使用的现有阳极材料大5倍。亚博网站下载已经合亚博网站下载成的2D材料通常也表现出良好的吸附性能,但是2d Si2bn与其他此类材料(例如硅烯,硼苯和2D黑色磷酸化)相吻合,以及其他材料,以及其他材料,例如石墨,二氧化钛和甲状腺钼,。

The paper’s calculations suggest that the key to this is the Si-Si-bond, as well as the unique response of the structure to adsorbing ions. As lithium/sodium ions are intercalcated into the material, they cause its structure to buckle; this then gives the overall structure a higher capacity than other 2D materials. This buckling, which is seen in other 2D materials like germanene, manifests itself as a phase transition when adsorption of more than one ion occurs on the surface. According to these calculations, this phase transition should be completely reversible, and aids the diffusion of ions away from the anode.



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  • APA


  • MLA

    霍恩戈德,托马斯。“将SI2BN用作Li/Na Ion电池中的阳极”。azom。2023年1月26日。

  • Chicago

    霍恩戈德,托马斯。“将SI2BN用作Li/Na Ion电池中的阳极”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=15673。(2023年1月26日访问)。

  • Harvard

    霍恩戈德,托马斯。2018。使用SI20亿杆作为Li/Na Ion电池中的阳极。Azom,2023年1月26日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=15673。


