流量计 - 它们如何工作?

A flow meter works by measuring the amount of a liquid, gas, or steam flowing through or around the flow meter sensors. Flow meter sensors work in different ways, but with the same end goal: Provide the most accurate and repeatable flow measurements for a specific application, whether for process control, general research activities, or semiconductor processing.

流量计测量体积或质量。流量(q)等于容量流量计中管道(a)的横截面区域,流动流体的速度(v):q = a * v。质量流量计如下:ṁ= q ∗ρ(其中q是体积流量,ρ是流体密度)。

Mass flow rate is the key consideration in many cases, especially in combustion, chemical reactions, or buying and selling gases.

How Different Types of Meters Work

  • 毛细管热质量- 使用在通过非常小的管(毛细管)和一组电阻温度探测器(RTD)的气体之间传递的热热来测量气体的质量流量。


  • Immersible Thermal Mass– Uses the thermal heat transferred from a heated sensor immersed in the flow to measure the mass flow of the gas.

Immersible Thermal Mass

  • 涡流脱落– Measures mass and/or volumetric flow of liquids, gases, and steam using vortices shed from a sensor immersed in the flow and a computed fluid density.


  • 运输时间超声波- 使用超声测量流体通过管道的速度,并可以安装在管道外部,从而消除了对管道切割的需求。


How Will the Flow Meter Be Used?


  • Costly products that need to be measured very precisely?
  • 液体,气或蒸汽?
  • Very large flows or only small flows?
  • Low or high pressure and temperature of the liquid, gas, or steam in the pipe?
  • Liquids, gases, or steam flowing in complicated or big piping arrangements?


  • 涡流流量计非常适合在高温和压力下测量液体和蒸汽的流动
  • Mass flow of gases from low to high flows can be precisely measured using thermal mass flow meters
  • 当没有工艺关闭或管道切割是理想的情况下,运输时间超声流量计非常适合测量水或其他液体的流动
  • Older technologies such as turbine meters, positive displacement, or differential pressure also have their place

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    塞拉仪器。(2019年12月20日)。流量计 - 它们如何工作?Azom。于2021年8月28日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=15055检索。

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    塞拉仪器。“流量计 - 它们如何工作?”。AZoM。28 August 2021. .

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    塞拉仪器。“流量计 - 它们如何工作?”。Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=15055。(2021年8月28日访问)。

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    塞拉仪器。2019。流量计 - 它们如何工作?。Azom,2021年8月28日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=15055。

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