

Effluent treatment can happen by either aerobic (oxygen-rich) or anaerobic (oxygen-deficient) digestion, or a combination of both, although anaerobic treatment is meant for higher concentrations of organics.




  • 营养剂量给细菌
  • Influent to digesters
  • 废水的遵守
  • 发酵中的VOA/TAC
  • 气体的水分百分比
  • Trace ions in steam

Formation of Biogas from Waste Products

当有机物在四步厌氧消化过程中分解时,会产生沼气(乙酸,酸生成,水解和甲烷生成)。在处理之前,易燃沼气是一种水饱和气体混合物,主要由甲烷组成(CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2)。ch4成分在使用沼气中最重要,因为可氧化的化合物在燃烧时会消散能量。

Issues with High Organic Loads

Feeding the fermenter with excess organic load leads to an imbalance between the various kinds of bacteria, resulting in the formation of fatty acids and a lowered pH. The imbalance destroys the remaining bacteria in the tank and abruptly stops methanogenesis.

MetroHM工艺分析提供了许多不同的分析仪配置中的不同分析方法,例如离子色谱,光度法,NIR光谱,滴定和离子选择性测量。Metrohm的在线process analyzersand customized sample preconditioning systems are built in the Netherlands and maintained by Metrohm’s local service engineers globally.


A shutdown, cleanup and replacement of the bacterial sludge is extremely costly, calculated in the hundreds of thousands of euros for even a small overloading event. However, process optimization can result in additional income from various areas in the plant, like the sale of excess sludge or produced heat as a utility. Hence, it is highly important to continuously monitor all processes related to biogas formation to minimize waste and increase profit in many areas.


Monitor Fermentation Efficiency Online with Ion Chromatograph (IC)


  • Extensive organic acid analysis in one run
  • Track fermentation process with acetic acid: propionic acid ratio
  • 趋势图表分析和警告限制以标记发酵抑制或过度馈送发作
  • 在水 - 驱动电路(CHP)中的痕量腐蚀离子



Measuring Oxygen Demand and More in Influent

各种植物仍使用基于实验室的化学氧需求(COD)测量来调节发酵罐中的甲烷发生,但是偶尔的分析(有时每天一次)很容易错过发酵罐的影响力的峰值浓度。通过在线流程分析可以避免这一点。根据COD的预测浓度范围,可以使用自动氧化还原滴定或光度法。可以使用其他各种与发酵相关的用途过程分析仪ADI 2045TI例如锰酸盐数或VOA/TAC(也称为FOS/TAC)比率。

  • Methods conform to ISO 6060, ASTM D 1252, DIN 38409-41 and NEN 6633
  • Divert or dilute highly concentrated influent before it reaches the fermenter
  • 通过在线移动鳕鱼分析来促进安全

过程分析仪ADI 2045TI

过程分析仪ADI 2045TI

Reagent-Free Solutions for Biogas Production


  • 监视发酵过程(VOA/TAC)以提高生产率
  • 通过质量控制传入原料来优化细菌喂养过程
  • Inspection of fermentation residue (N, P, K)
  • 气体的水分百分比

NIRS XDS Process Analyzer

NIRS XDS Process Analyzer

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Metrohm AG.

For more information on this source, please visitMetrohm AG



  • APA

    Metrohm USA Inc.(2021,4月1日)。产生沼气。azom。于2022年8月8日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14357检索。

  • MLA

    Metrohm USA Inc ..“生成沼气”。AZoM。2022年8月8日。

  • 芝加哥

    Metrohm USA Inc ..“生成沼气”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14357。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Metrohm USA Inc. 2021。产生沼气。Azom,2022年8月8日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14357。


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