用Ionicon AMC-Monitor监测空气传播的分子污染(AMC)

在高科技制造过程中,机载分子污染(AMC)提出了一个主要问题。现在,可以使用Ionicon AMC-Monitor实时对这些污染进行实时监测。

半导体行业 - 清洁室AMC监控


Contamination-free manufacturing is a feasible goal and can be accomplished by source control and source monitoring along with filtration solutions in air handling systems and at the tool-level. Identifying sources, stabilizing production and preventing unanticipated shortfalls of the service life of filtration units can be achieved through permanent monitoring of the AMC level.

IONICON offers ultra-sensitive real-time trace gas monitoring solutions and also provides powerful tools to identify organic contamination and to continuously monitor both production tools and clean room environments.

Results of AMC-Monitor Measurements - Cleanroom Environment Testing

这AMC-Monitor has the ability to continuously monitor for AMC with real time detection limits as low as 1 pptv.

In clean room environments, the level of AMC contamination is mainly created by internal sources such as leaks or spills of solvents, re-entrainment of exhaust air, aromatic compounds from return air and ambient air, material outgassings, or even the FOUPs that are employed for wafer transport. Organic contamination can result in severe costs in terms of loss and tool-down time or wafer damage.


自动监测系统-AMC-Monitor T-1000

AMC-Monitor T-1000is the latest generation of real-time and on-line equipment that monitors most volatile organic, and several inorganic compounds in parallel. Based on IONICON's renowned PTR-MS and time-of-flight (TOF) technology, the AMC-Monitor T-1000 has set new standards in the detection of dynamic contamination levels in process environments, offering the following benefits:

  • PPTV级检测极限。
  • Greater sensitivity and faster for complex mixtures.
  • 这entire mass range is measured in a split second.
  • 高测量频率,与化合物的数量无关。
  • 记录所有化合物,甚至是未知的。
  • Total VOC values can easily be generated
  • 高质量分辨率以更好地分离和识别

24/7 real-time monitoring allows the detection of short-term spills and leakages to track and document AMC levels and to rapidly alert to critical concentrations. The high sampling frequency also allows monitoring multiple sampling points in parallel through optional multiplexing systems.


这AMC-Monitor series can easily be specialized to various monitoring applications by loading application specific measurement recipes.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by IONICON Analytik.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问IONICON Analytik


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    Ionicon Analytik。(2020年11月9日)。用Ionicon AMC-Monitor监测空气传播的分子污染(AMC)。azom。于2022年6月15日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14124检索。

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    Ionicon Analytik。“用Ionicon AMC监测器监测空气传播的分子污染(AMC)”。AZoM。15June 2022. .

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    Ionicon Analytik。“用Ionicon AMC监测器监测空气传播的分子污染(AMC)”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14124。(2022年6月15日访问)。

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    Ionicon Analytik。2020。用Ionicon AMC-Monitor监测空气传播的分子污染(AMC)。Azom,2022年6月15日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=14124。

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