C-S-H是一种非化学计量化合物和普通水泥硬化糊的平均的Ca / Si比为约1.7。它具有类似于矿物雪硅钙石的层状晶体结构,这就是为什么这种矿物常常用作模型材料,因为它是类似于水泥膏的主要水合相,并且可以人工产生的原因。混凝土的多尺度异质最终确定其在体内的机械性能(强度,刚度)和降解(损伤,失效,断裂)。It is possible to divide the microstructure into four levels as shown in Figure 1, from the scale of mortar (10-2 m) down to the C-S-H solid phase (10-10 m) which represents the smallest material length scale that is presently accessible by mechanical testing (nanoindentation). By experimentally investigating the mechanical properties of cement paste at varied length scales provides a means of correlating such microscale properties to macroscale applications.The last decades have seen a gradual improvement of the mechanical properties of cement, but this has been achieved more by trial and error than by an in-depth understanding of what is happening at the micro and nanoscales. The setting of cement is not a drying process, as sometimes believed, but in fact, it is the exact opposite. When cement is mixed with water, it goes through a dissolution reaction generating silicate, calcium and aluminate ions in the interstitial solution. New products (hydrates) then precipitate after reaching their solubility limit and also after a nucleation period. In a common cement, such as Portland cement, this dissolution-diffusion-precipitation process produces calcium hydroxide (Portlandite) and calcium silicate hydrate (C-SH). During hydration, the slurry coagulates after the cement is mixed with water, after which setting occurs. Some proportion of the anhydrous cement is converted into C-S-H and other hydrates.
一种新颖的网格压痕技术可以用来在特定的长度尺度达到异质材料(如C-S-H)的显著的机械性能,而且还提供访问独立相的体积分数。亚博网站下载考虑的材料组成改变机械性质的两相并且其特征在于一个长度尺度d,如图2,如果压痕深度大于等于所述表面部分的凹陷表面上的更小的由两个相所占据.在另一方面,压痕试验进行到最大压痕深度比所述各相的特征尺寸大得多,H> d,感测复合材料的平均响应,并从这种压痕试验中提取的属性是代表在所述复合材料的平均性质的统计意义。
这些巨大的压痕矩阵提供了一个统计分析,包括分布和它们的导数(如频率图或直方图)的力学性能,由大量的压痕实验在特定尺度下的材料观察决定的压痕深度。硬化混凝土总是包括一个主要部分液态水的毛细凝聚水汽在粒间孔隙,因此它是特别感兴趣的与准确的相对湿度(RH)开展grid-indentations控制为了量化水部分力学性能的影响。这确实是设计全自动纳米压痕仪的动机,能够在保持环境湿度为+/- 0.1% RH的情况下制造数百到数千个压痕。
此信息来源于Anton Paar GmbH提供的资料。亚博网站下载