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Major Reasons Customers Choose PTR-TOFMS to Monitor Exhaust Emissions:

  • Emission rates alter rapidly with engine operating conditions, and hence a high time resolution measurement is vital
  • High sensitivity and good separation of isobaric compounds
  • In contrast to offline methods, real-time analysis enables the measurement of critical compounds. For instance, acrolein is an unstable compound which may easily get lost in an offline sampling procedure

Examples of Real-Time Engines Emission Monitoring with PTR-MS


  • in-situ (real-time) capability of the instrument, and the
  • efficient and soft ionization, which provides simpler mass-spectra than Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) mass spectrometer.

The PTR-TOF systems, which were later introduced, offered extra benefits for automotive exhaust monitoring:

  • The measurement of complete spectra in < 1second
  • Separation of isobaric molecules
  • 对大分子的敏感性较高
  • Identification of compounds by their chemical composition, and



在加利福尼亚空气资源委员会(CARB),Ionicon PTR-TOF 8000is employed in studies of automotive vehicle exhaust. As a primary step, Matsunaga et al. [1] validated the PTR-TOF system against a technique utilizing the gold standard, a GC-FID system (SOP MLD 102/103). The research revealed that measurements of BTEX vehicle emissions with the PTR-MS matched with GC-FID to within 15%.




Matsunaga[1]also researched the emissions from gasoline vehicles and found that the VOC emissions from unburned fuel are very high at the beginning of a cold-start drive cycle but rapidly vanish as the vehicle warms up. The PTR-MS is unique with the ability to quantify a number of VOC species in real-time.


汽油经常与乙醇混合,例如E10(90%汽油中的乙醇10%),乙醇具有环境和经济考虑。乙醇/汽油比对排放的影响敏锐地研究了其他地方。为了进行此类分析,一种实时仪器PTR-MSserves as a robust tool for demonstrating the relationship between vehicle parameters and emissions.


[1]Matsunaga et al. (February, 2015): Motor Vehicle Exhaust Analysis with a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS) – Comparison Study with Conventional Methods for BTEX and Other Toxic Air Contaminants. Poster presented at CRC Mobile Source Air Toxics Workshop, Sacramento, CA, U.S.A.

此信息已从Ionicon Analytik提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

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    Ionicon Analytik。(2021年2月10日)。实时发动机排气分析,具有超敏感的PTR-TOFM。azom。于2022年8月8日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=13878检索。

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    Ionicon Analytik。“具有超敏感的PTR-TOFMS的实时发动机排气分析”。azom。08 August 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    Ionicon Analytik。“具有超敏感的PTR-TOFMS的实时发动机排气分析”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=13878。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Ionicon Analytik。2021。实时发动机排气分析,具有超敏感的PTR-TOFMS。Azom,2022年8月8日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=13878。


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