Spectrovisc Q3000 versus SpectroVisc Q300 Case Study


Other existing commercially available portable viscometer options require solvents, density, and temperature measurements to obtain results. They do not correlate with the lab viscometers, meaning the acquired data is not co-trended. Especially, in-use oils make precise viscosity measurements by any method a challenging task given their particulates, water, and combustion by-products.


  • 粘度计性能的可变性
  • 用途油的性能差异很大
  • 申请要求的差异

Instead of using a single benchmark for comparison of portable and laboratory viscometers, the following case study offers an approach to identify whether a portable viscometer will “do the job” given particular requirements.


This comparison uses a SpectroVisc Q300 as a laboratory viscometer and aSpectrovisc Q3000as a portable viscometer. The SpectroVisc Q3000 portable, solvent-free kinematic viscometer is designed for applications demanding immediate results. The SpectroVisc Q300 is a capillary (Modified Zeitfuchs) tube viscometer developed for laboratory analysis.

Both instruments were used to measure the viscosity of different samples, and the results were then compared from instrument to field viscometer. Two series of comparisons were made. The first set of samples consisted entirely of NIST-certified standards and the second sample set comprised of used oils.

每个样品的运行3次,每个样品在SpectRovisc Q3000和SpectRovisc Q300上运行,并在40°C下进行运动粘度读数。平均并比较两组的测量值。



图1将Q3000的性能与Spectrovisc Q300超过一系列认证的粘度标准。Q3000的性能在整个校准范围内保持一致,相对标准偏差低于2%。

Q3000 vs. Q300 performance using a range of certified viscosity standards

Figure 1.Q3000 vs. Q300 performance using a range of certified viscosity standards



  • 表1将Q3000与NIST参考进行了比较
  • 表2将Q300与NIST参考进行了比较
  • 表3比较了两种溶液的结果
Table 1
Q3000 Ref % Diff
10.13 10.03 1.00
17.93 18.04 0.61
54.86 54.08 1.44
99.26 97.15 2.17
185.00 180.80 2.32
308.67 310.90 0.72

Table 2
Q300 Ref % Diff
10.02 10.03 0.11
18.06 18.04 0.09
53.79 54.08 0.54
96.64 97.15 0.52
180.93 180.80 0.07
314.90 310.90 1.29
Lab Viscometer Q300

Table 3
Q3000 Q300 % Diff
10.13 10.02 1.11
17.93 18.06 0.70
54.86 53.79 2.00
99.26 96.64 2.71
185.00 180.93 2.25
308.67 314.90 1.98
Portable Q3000 vs. Lab Q300



Sample Q3000 Q300 % Diff
二手机油 54.56 55.24 1.22
二手机油 108.67 111.63 2.66
二手机油 132.00 128.80 2.48
Used Process Oil 158.33 161.80 0.98
齿轮油 237.00 230.30 1.03


The key question is whether 3% is good enough in the context of the user’s specifications. As mentioned earlier, used oil can pose significant challenges for repeatability measurements, particularly with fuel, water, oil, and particle contamination - any of which can drive repeatability above 5% between tests of the same sample.


The introduction of new solvent-free technology for field-based viscosity monitoring delivers the performance required to detect variations of in-use oil to alert an impending problem at the equipment site.

此外,案例研究结果揭示了便携式粘度器和传统实验室粘度指标之间所有样本中3%内的一致性,这意味着SpectRovisc Q3000系列能够在便携式设置中提供准确的结果,而商业实验室粘度器需要的样本量很少。


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This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by AMETEK Spectro Scientific.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Ametek Spectro Scientific。


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    Ametek Spectro Scientific。(2019, August 27). SpectroVisc Q3000 versus SpectroVisc Q300 Case Study. AZoM. Retrieved on August 08, 2022 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=13354.

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    Ametek Spectro Scientific。“ SpectRovisc Q3000与SpectRovisc Q300案例研究”。azom。2022年8月8日。

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    Ametek Spectro Scientific。2019。Spectrovisc Q3000 versus SpectroVisc Q300 Case Study。Azom,2022年8月8日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=13354。

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