Sponsored by光子等May 25 2016
这quest for flexible, low-cost, and easy to process photovoltaic materials has headed in a new direction over the last few years, with the rapid development oforganometallic perovskite solar cells.This novel class of photovoltaic materials is expected to overpower silicon, a most commonly used material for photovoltaic applications, thanks to its exotic characteristics. They have strong absorption in the visible and tunable band gap and high carrier mobility, making them a potential material to fabricate cost-effective solar panels.
低稳定性和劣等的当前寿命是这位新恒星光伏的主要缺点。他们当前的寿命大约是2000太阳峰值小时,而阳光明媚的硅含量约为52 000小时。关于这些新颖的降解机制和光体物理学的深入了解photovoltaic materials对于它们的商业化至关重要。
Photon etc’s Global Hyperspectral Imaging Platform
这key insights into the exotic properties ofperovskite materialscan be efficiently acquired by scientists usingPhoton etc’s global hyperspectral imaging platform (IMA™).这IMA™能够通过进行光学测量来表征2D和3D钙钛矿晶体的结构特性以及整个光伏设备。这IMA™在波长之后获取图像波长,在大面积100 x 100 µm的大面积上提供了频谱分辨的透射率和发光图2-1 x 1毫米2具有上空分辨率(〜µM),但无需任何空间扫描。
Experimental and Results
这高光谱数据of perovskite crystals acquired using theIMA™在本文中介绍。这项研究与戴维·库克教授(McGill University)和Mercouri Kanatzidis教授(西北大学)密切合作。钙钛矿的高光谱PL数据如图1所示。在670 x 900 µm的面积上收集了一百万个PL光谱2从550-900 nm起,几分钟内的步长为1 nm。图1A和1B分别描绘了两个不同的单色PL图像,分别在625 nm和750 nm处捕获。可以分别在图1C和图1D上观察到在特定区域上获得的不同光谱特征和发射峰移动的图。
Figure 1.使用IMA™(532 nm激发激光器)获得的高光谱光致发光数据。(a)在625 nm处的单色PL图像,(b)在750 nm处的单色PL图像,(c)从样品上的不同区域提取的PL光谱(请参阅(a)上的相应彩色箭头),(d)PL的图转移。
A different perovskite sample’s高光谱传播数据over an area of 180 x 134 µm2如图2所示。
图2。使用IMA™拍摄的高光谱透射图像。(a)在610 nm处的单色透射图像,(b)在840 nm处的单色透射图像,(c)从样品上不同区域提取的透射光谱(请参阅(请参阅(A-B)相应的彩色箭头)。
图2中所示的PL数据如图3所示。图3A的特定区域的光谱特征如图3B所示,而图3C显示相同的视野。结果清楚地表明了IMA™to acquire the entire spectral content of the perovskite crystal over a large area within a few minutes. The structural features of the crystal can be easily observed.
图3。Hyperspectral photoluminescence images acquired with IMA™ (532 nm excitation laser). (a) Monochromatic PL image at 770 nm, (b) PL spectra extracted from different regions on the sample (see corresponding colored arrows (a)), (c) map of the PL shift.
