



The use of与X射线分析集成的SEM在半导体设备上测试颗粒物是一种事实证明的方法。与光学检查相比,这种组合提供了一种识别关键特征的增强技术,以及进行原位分析的可能性。尽管X射线分析适合表征金属颗粒,但由于该方法仅限于元素分析,因此无法清楚地识别无机化合物。yabo214使用有机颗粒会有额外的局限性yabo214,因为X射线检测器对低于原子数11-钠的光元素非常不敏感,因此通常只检测到碳。

Raman Spectroscopy

Raman analysis is a vibrational spectroscopy, and can probe the chemistry of the test sample. A Raman spectrum comprises bands matching the internal vibrational frequencies of molecules. These bands are unique for each material.



The Structural and Chemical Analyzer

Renishaw were inspired to create its structural and chemical analyzer (SCA) for SEMs due to the increasing trend of using SEM for wafer inspection. The company combined SEM’s imaging capabilities with the chemical identification and structural data available from Raman spectroscopy, resulting in two powerful material characterization techniques, made possible in a single instrument.

The structural and chemical analyzer is completely configurable, supporting various laser excitation wavelengths for拉曼和光致发光(PL)光谱镜,以及诸如阴极发光(CL)之类的额外技术。它还提供了许多光谱仪模型的连接性。从常规检查系统到多方法研究级分析工作站,该灵活性允许对系统进行量身定制以满足确定的分析要求。

As Raman spectroscopy uses optical wavelengths, it is effective regardless of the SEM operating environment, making the method appropriate for SEMs operating at low vacuum to ultra-high vacuum.

图1说明了拟合到LEO-1450VP SEM的结构和化学分析仪的UHV变体。对于拉曼光谱法,电子束在光谱形成中没有作用,可以利用低加速电压来对样品进行成像,从而避免充电和损坏。在观察颗粒时,这很重要,因为它们很容易被高能电子束损坏,或者与底yabo214物相关并从中被驱逐并从中驱除,从而将其浪费给分析师。在实现了无机物质和有机物种的测试后,可以增加梁电压以使用X射线分析来表征其余颗粒。yabo214

UHV-version of the structural and chemical analyser interface coupled to the LEO-1450VP that was used for this study

Figure 1.UHV-version of the structural and chemical analyser interface coupled to the LEO-1450VP that was used for this study


The benefits of theSEM-SCA可以用以下示例来解释;有意污染了一批晶体管晶体管逻辑(TTL)集成电路(IC)晶圆的样品,以模拟导致差的缺陷,通常在钝化之前针对设备故障分析。

The research aims to reveal how to discover the cause of the failures, and to see if these failures are associated to defects or contaminants, to characterize and establish their origin.


The "green" spectrum is a trait of poly-tetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE), a very frequently used polymer - the particle’s morphology from SEM reveal that it could be a “shaving” from a worn bearing.

Previous examination of this sample using optical microscopy did not reveal the presence of the PMMA particle, as it is optically transparent. It could also not resolve the sub-micrometer morphological detail in the PTFE particle.

The "blue" spectrum reveals that the particle is an assortment of amorphous carbon, silicon carbide, and diamond. A small silicon band linked to the wafer is also present. It is possible that this particle is residue from a lapping process, and its presence indicates that the post-process cleaning regime may require re-evaluation.



Figure 2.a)TTL设备和颗粒的二级电子图像,b)使用Renishaw的SCA获取的原位拉曼光谱,以及cyabo214)典型的EDS颗粒光谱


The SCA-SEM-EDS combination offers a technique to characterize highly metallic, organic, inorganic particles on dies and wafers. It provides an exceptional solution to the needs ofprocess monitoringdevice failure analysis


Renishaw PLC要感谢海军研究实验室(华盛顿特区)的化学部门使用其设备。app亚博体育

Renishaw is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Renishaw.

For more information on this source, please visitRenishaw.



  • APA

    Renishaw PLC-光谱法。(2019年8月26日)。使用SEM的结构和化学分析仪在半导体上表征有机,无机和金属颗粒。yabo214Azom。于2021年8月25日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=12571检索。

  • MLA

    Renishaw PLC-光谱法。“使用SEM的结构和化学分析仪在半导体上表征有机,无机和金属颗粒”。yabo214Azom. 25 August 2021. .

  • 芝加哥

    Renishaw PLC-光谱法。“使用SEM的结构和化学分析仪在半导体上表征有机,无机和金属颗粒”。yabo214Azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12571. (accessed August 25, 2021).

  • 哈佛大学

    Renishaw PLC-光谱法。2019.使用SEM的结构和化学分析仪在半导体上表征有机,无机和金属颗粒yabo214. AZoM, viewed 25 August 2021, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12571.


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