Utilizing Catalysis for Sustainability Challenges

报告指出,功耗增加了16倍,大气二2在20世纪,集中度已从每百万分之275份增加到370份。如果这种趋势继续持续,据估计,在21世纪2concentration could grow to nearly 550 parts per million. If this happens, climate models show global warming - equivalent in magnitude to that of the last Ice Age - could arise1

To rectify this issue, raw materials should be used efficiently. Therefore, materials and substances with pre-designed properties need to be invented, and new processes and chemical technologies developed. Catalysis could be crucial for all of the above, as well as an aid in pollution control and alternative energy technologies.

Many current leading catalysis research programmes examine the way catalysts can be used to tackle global energy challenges.




  • 提高能源效率
  • 设计更有效的太阳能电池
  • 减少环境污染
  • 开发可持续方法,以快速生产可再生燃料来源
  • 供应水,清洁燃料和电力,以适应不断增长的世界需求
  • 扩大可再生能源的发电
  • 消除能源密集型浪费的制造方法
  • 培养可持续的有机材料开发2




JavierPérez -Ramírez教授 - 化学和应用生物科学系催化工程主席 - 他的研究团队目前正在努力解决全球能源危机。亚博老虎机网登录当前感兴趣的主题包括天然气功能化,二氧化碳价值,化学和燃料的生物量,特种化学品的生产以及对催化剂量表的合理理解。www.ace.ethz.ch/en/home


Figure 1.哈维尔·佩雷斯·拉米雷斯教授的吸附实验室




  • Improved support levels via a technically strong support network across the globe
  • 通过自己的研发团队高水平的技术专业知识
  • In-house design, manufacturing and engineering capabilities with the ability to provide highly customized devices

十七年来,哈维尔·佩雷斯·拉米雷斯(JavierPérez-Ramírez)教授一直使用了微观学的一系列乐器。哈维尔·佩雷斯·拉米雷斯(JavierPérez-Ramírez)和他的团队选择使用的乐器包括Accupyc®to determine density, AutoChem®2920用于量化化学吸附特性,3FLEX,ASAP®2020年,特里斯塔尔3030和自动®确定孔径和孔隙率,最后是PID EFFI和PID微动态反应器,以访问催化性能和选择性。哈维尔·佩雷斯·拉米雷斯(JavierPérez-Ramírez)教授选择与Micromeritics合作,原因有两个;首先是由于仪器质量和可靠性,其次是由于可用的高度科学支持。



The skilled personnel have helped him address his research challenges.

A big portion of our work is devoted to the design of improved catalytic materials, and for that we need reliable instruments and a creative research team. Micromeritics helps us to solve research challenges through its personalized support. We often collaborate with Micromeritics application scientists, and on various occasions with the help of their technical knowledge, this has led to top-level research, as reflected by the high-impact journals in which it has appeared


Alan McCue博士是阿伯丁大学的研究员,与教授一起在团队中工作。詹姆斯·安德森。该团队研究了可以在其中改善相对便宜的碱金属的活性,例如氢反应的铜,借助少量贵金属(例如钯或铂)。

Within academia, robust results are expected for publication in high impact journals, and partnering with an instrument provider with technical expertise and reliable instrumentation can be pivotal to the research process. For Dr McCue one challenge he has to overcome is the research budgets, which are generally tighter than in industry.

Dr. McCue’s laboratory has relied greatly on Micromeritics in the past. The lab uses the instruments to measure catalysts activity and selectivity (PID Microactivity Reactor), hydrogen and carbon monoxide chemisorption (ASAP 2020), surface area, mesoporosity and pore volume (TriStar®). Partnering with Micromeritics, provided Dr. McCue with complete confidence due to the dependable instrumentation and support on offer.

Generally all companies will tell you that they offer a good support system, however, it is not until you work with them that you can truly understand the quality they offer. We find that almost 50% of our purchase is not just based on the instrument itself, but the expertise and support we receive after purchase. We find our service provider to be one of the most efficient companies that we deal with, and their technical expertise is the distinguishing factor that truly sets them apart.

阿伯丁大学研究员Alan McCue博士



阿伯丁大学研究员Alan McCue博士



It is important to consider the precision and reliability of data produced by the instrument, as well as instrument longevity, usability, and depreciation costs when investing in analytical instrumentation for academic and industrial catalysis research. It is also important to partner with a service provider capable of offering more than just a product. An instrument supplier who has in-depth and in-house expertise available can assist in solving challenges swiftly and efficiently, providing improved results in a shorter time scale.


  1. 布鲁克黑文国家实验室。(2014)。催化和能源科学。亚博老虎机网登录
  2. Song, C. (2014). Global Energy Challenges and Role of Catalysis for Sustainable Energy.
  3. World Meteorological Organization. (2014). WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Micromeritics Instrument Corporation.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Micromeritics Instrument Corporation。



  • APA

    Micromeritics Instrument Corporation。(2020, January 13). Utilizing Catalysis for Sustainability Challenges. AZoM. Retrieved on February 10, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12565.

  • MLA

    Micromeritics Instrument Corporation。“利用催化来实现可持续性挑战”。azom。10 February 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    Micromeritics Instrument Corporation。“利用催化来实现可持续性挑战”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=12565。(2023年2月10日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Micromeritics Instrument Corporation。2020.Utilizing Catalysis for Sustainability Challenges。Azom,2023年2月10日,//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=12565。



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