The Increase of Ion Density in High Power Twin-Cathode Magnetron Systems


Researchers have now proposed a magnetron sputter system (Figure 1) operating in High Power Impulse (HIPIMS) mode that stores metal ions in significant quantities. These ions can be found at the chamber walls, and can be continuously used for the deposition process.

This helps in maintaining a high level of self-sputtering at comparatively low power inputs. This technique provides new coatings with distinct physical, chemical and electrical properties including long chemical and mechanical lifetime, high ageing quality, and good mechanical strength.

The experimental setup with four essentially balanced planar magnetrons (2” Ti targets), Langmuir probe, and the system of capillaries used to introduce wires from atmospheric pressure

Figure 1.The experimental setup with four essentially balanced planar magnetrons (2” Ti targets), Langmuir probe, and the system of capillaries used to introduce wires from atmospheric pressure


The following major objectives were taken into account to evaluate the new method and deposition technique:

  • 使用通过实验数据通过plasma diagnostic tools, plasma modeling可以使用粒子中的粒子(PIC)和蒙特卡洛方法进行。可以通过广泛的等离子体建模和计算来确定散装等离子体的最佳特性,包括场分布,密度,几何形状等。
  • New technological advancements were achieved in the field of smart processing of wires. The main difficulty in this project involves concentrating high-density plasma in a small cylindrical volume with a comparatively large length.

  • Using the Hiden Analytical ESPion Advanced Langmuir Probe, plasma diagnostics were performed. The probe was inserted into the middle of the discharge volume between four essentially balanced magnetrons to analyze various power modes at the active phase of HIPIMS plasma generation.


此信息已从Hiden Analytical提供的材料中采购,审查和调整。亚博网站下载

For more information on this source, please visitHIDEN分析。



  • APA

    HIDEN分析。(2021, December 17). The Increase of Ion Density in High Power Twin-Cathode Magnetron Systems. AZoM. Retrieved on March 10, 2023 from //

  • MLA

    HIDEN分析。“高功率双 - 阴极磁控棒系统中离子密度的增加”。Azom. 10 March 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    HIDEN分析。“高功率双 - 阴极磁控棒系统中离子密度的增加”。Azom。//。(2023年3月10日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    HIDEN分析。2021.The Increase of Ion Density in High Power Twin-Cathode Magnetron Systems. AZoM, viewed 10 March 2023, //


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