
It is crucial that functional materials, such as graphene and silicon carbide (SiC), are comprehensively characterised before they can be used in green energy applications (for example in lithium ion batteries) and as inverters for applications in automotive power control systems.

This article shows how Raman spectroscopy can be a very effective in the continuing development of functional materials. With a flexible spatial resolution—spanning from millimetre to sub-micrometre—Renishaw'sinVia Raman microscopeis a powerful and proven tool for the investigation of electronic properties, chemical properties, homogeneity, and strain in these materials.



A powerful tool for characterising SiC, Raman spectroscopy is capable of distinguishing between SiC polytypes quickly and easily. It can also detect defects and determine both strain and electronic properties. Here an inVia Raman microscope, using Renishaw’s proprietary technology, characterises an entire 2” wafer in less than an hour, at a resolution of 50 µm. More than 870,000 data points were collected.

This highlights a speed increase of an order of magnitude over the past few years, thereby making it possible to perform Raman analysis on the timescales needed for the quality control of wafers. Figure 1 shows a composite Raman image.

A composite Raman image. The blue image illustrates change in peak position of the FTO Raman mode. This can be directly related to stress in the wafer. Hexagonal strain features can be seen, allowing micropipes at the centre of dislocations to be detected. The high spatial and spectral resolutions of inVia are demonstrated by the ability to image small strain features. A 6H-SiC inclusion is highlighted in red. Regions with 540nm PL, corresponding to growth defects, are shown in yellow. Inset a) spectra from the different polytypes of SiC, highlights how easy it is to differentiate polytypes using the inVia Raman microscope.

图1。A composite Raman image. The blue image illustrates change in peak position of the FTO Raman mode. This can be directly related to stress in the wafer. Hexagonal strain features can be seen, allowing micropipes at the centre of dislocations to be detected. The high spatial and spectral resolutions of inVia are demonstrated by the ability to image small strain features. A 6H-SiC inclusion is highlighted in red. Regions with 540nm PL, corresponding to growth defects, are shown in yellow. Inset a) spectra from the different polytypes of SiC, highlights how easy it is to differentiate polytypes using the inVia Raman microscope.

TERS Imaging on Graphene and Functionalised Carbon Nanotubes





Figure 2.在石墨烯和功能化的CNT上进行TERS和AFM成像。A)。石墨烯(蓝色)的TER(红色)和远场拉曼光谱。这些结果证明了TER提供的信号的增强。b)图像显示了石墨烯样品的G/2D比例的子衍射极限变化。该比率用于估计CVD石墨烯厚度。在这里,该比率在10nm的长度上存在显着变化,显示了纳米级的石墨烯变化。


Figure 3.a)CNT簇的AFM图像,此图像允许确定簇的大小,但不提供任何化学信息;b)图像突出了集群中功能化CNT的分布(红色区域包含更多功能化的CNT)。在这里,很明显,在群集中,功能化和非功能化的CNT的混合并不均匀。


This article shows how Renishaw’s advanced and powerfulinVia Raman microscopecan be effectively used for determining a material’s chemical properties, from macroscale to nanoscale.

它还显示了一种强大的表面表征工具拉曼光谱法被用来表征SIC Wafers,证明其识别缺陷区域,检测多型,评估压力并检查2英寸SIC WAFER的同质性的能力。


此信息已从Renishaw -Raman光谱法提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

For more information on this source, please visitRenishaw - Raman Spectroscopy.



  • APA

    Renishaw PLC-光谱学。(2019, August 26). Characterisation of Functional Materials on the Nanoscale Using Raman Imaging, SPM and TERS. AZoM. Retrieved on March 09, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12188.

  • MLA

    Renishaw PLC-光谱学。"Characterisation of Functional Materials on the Nanoscale Using Raman Imaging, SPM and TERS".Azom。2023年3月9日。

  • 芝加哥

    Renishaw PLC-光谱学。"Characterisation of Functional Materials on the Nanoscale Using Raman Imaging, SPM and TERS". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12188. (accessed March 09, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学

    Renishaw PLC-光谱学。2019.使用拉曼成像,SPM和TERS在纳米级上表征功能材料亚博网站下载。Azom, viewed 09 March 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=12188.


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