绝对吸收的准确性取决于实验数据质量以及过量吸附到绝对吸附的转化。同样,有必要选择合适的等温模型来分析和插值数据,以确定吸附的等距焓,ΔHISO,,,,by van 't Hoff plots.
本文展示了对Langmuir,Freundlich,SIPS(Langmuir-Freundlich)And等距使用an的方程式IMI-HTP高压吸附分析仪。这些方程可用于描述商业活性碳的吸附甲烷的吸附,以在307 K和329 K之间的压力大约6.5 MPa的压力。ΔH的计算ISOin terms of surface coverage or methane uptake is also performed using the data obtained from the Sips and Toth expressions.
Isotherm Equations
这localized adsorption of a monolayer of atoms or molecules on a homogeneous surface without any adsorbate-adsorbate interactions is given by the Langmuir equation as follows:
(1) |
在哪里nA是吸引人的金额吗?nmis the monolayer capacity,θ=nA/nm是表面覆盖范围,p是压力,b是吸附系数,它与吸附能的正值成倍相关。
(2) |
在哪里kAndnAre empirical parameters. The Freundlich equation is empirical in nature. However, the multi-site Langmuir equation can also be used to derive the Freundlich equation, by assuming an exponential adsorption site energy distribution.
这Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm is given as:
(3) |
(4) |
使用全自动进行测量IMI-HTP测量分析仪,,,,As shown in the Figure 1. The gas sorption properties of materials of up to 20 MPa pressure can be determined using the instrument. 1.755 g ofFiltrasorb F-400用于确定在温度为307 K,312 K,316 K,320 K,325 K和329 K的甲烷吸附等温线。3And 16.47 cm3,由pycnometry确定,其中氦气用作校准流体。
将歧管温度保持在308 K,而稳定性保持在±0.1K。A10.0 MPa范围换能器的精度为全尺度的±0.04%,用于测量压力。使用使用NIST重建数据库产生的列表的可压缩值之间的线性插值确定甲烷可压缩性。NIST数据库使用甲烷的Setzmann和Wagner方程。
Results and Discussion
图2显示了根据使用IMI-HTP记录的过量摄取等温线计算出的绝对摄取等温线。这些是使用方程式(1)至(4)拟合的,并根据使用最佳拟合参数构建的van't Hoff图计算了吸附的同性焓。图3显示了在316 K下测得的绝对吸附的比较数据拟合。SIPS方程最适合所有过量吸附等温线。SIP和Tóth方程提供的拟合度明显优于Langmuir和Freundlich方程,以实现过度和绝对吸附。SIPS和Tóth方程适用于在测得的温度范围内提供绝对吸附数据,如图4所示。较低图中的残差表明Tóth方程是在SIPS方程上更好的拟合度。
这residuals in the lower plot of the Figure 5 show that the Sips equation is a better overall fit than the Tóth equation. However, the magnitude of the residuals at low surface coverage looks to be approximately equal.
图6显示ΔHISO作为覆盖范围的函数,使用Tóth和SIPS模型的参数以及在不同温度下记录的等温线数据计算。这ΔHISO在这项研究中计算的差异超过大约23至25 kjmol-1在其他地方报道了甲烷吸附在活化碳中的甲烷,尽管ΔHISOis known to change as a function of both temperature and surface coverage. It is evident from the different trends of Figure 6 that a clear correlation between the calculated enthalpies and the isotherm temperatures or specific surface coverage was not achieved. This demonstrates that different values ofΔHISOcan be calculated using the same experimental data depending on the model chosen to interpolate the data.
图2。在307 K和329 K之间的温度下,绝对甲烷吸附1.755 g活化的碳(Filtrasorb F-400)。
图3。Langmuir (blue), Freundlich (red), Sips (grey) and Tóth (green) fits, top, and residuals, bottom, for absolute uptake data at 316 K.
Figure 4.Sips (blue) and Tóth (red) fits, top, and residuals, bottom, for absolute uptake isotherms at temperatures between 307 K and 329 K
Figure 5.sips(蓝色)和tóth(红色)拟合,顶部和残留物,底部,在307 K和329 k之间的温度下过量摄取等温线。
Figure 6.甲烷在F-400碳上的吸附的等落焓,它是根据使用SIPS和Tóth方程拟合的各种等温线计算得出的。
发现该方程是所有绝对吸附等温线数据的最佳拟合度。但是,最好使用SIPS方程对多余的吸附数据进行建模。同样,计算广泛的ΔHISO使用相同的实验数据的值,但不同的分析方法表明ΔHISO从一种方法计算得出的值可能会导致较大的潜在误差。等温模型和选定的数据温度范围对ΔH的计算值的显着影响ISOindicates the importance of clearly stating the method while reporting adsorption isosteric enthalpies.
这Article also demonstrated the successful determination of the high pressure adsorption of methane using an activated carbon in the IMI- HTP analyzer.
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