

Instron全球塑料测试市场市场经理Richard Goshgarian与Azom谈论与塑料测试有关的三个主要挑战。


挑战1:遵守测试标准 - 变化和误解

We are finding that more and more customers are not following standards correctly, and our research showed that much of the time this is as a result of the customer simply not being aware of changes made to standards, or to misinterpretation of the standard itself. Some of the implications that result from this can be failed audits, lost time investigating why results from different labs do not agree, and production delays. We want to raise awareness of the misconceptions in compliance to testing standards, and help our customers to avoid these common pitfalls.


In addition to standards-related issues, not everyone who operates test systems necessarily has an extensive understanding of materials testing; particularly the factors that influence results (negatively or positively). Even expert level employees are often not aware of some of the less obvious factors that can result in testing issues, for example, even the heat generated from an operator’s fingers can significantly influence results for some plastics materials. This can mean that factors such as whether or not the operator wears gloves, or the length of time that they handle specimens for, could be increasing the variability of results.


最后,第三个挑战与系统效率和吞吐量有关。市场上有各种各样的不同测试系统和配件,以帮助客户确保与ISO 527-2这样的关键标准提高。但是,所使用的系统和配件的类型可能会对效率产生重大影响。例如,使用自动延伸计与延长计剪辑的使用,或在握把上使用对齐辅助工具(更多!)可以显着改善实验室的吞吐量。我们希望通过向他们建议对流程的更改提供建议,以帮助我们的客户实现最佳效率并降低与测试相关的成本。从本质上讲,很小的变化可以产生很大的变化,而不必是一个昂贵或困难的过程。下面的视频完美地说明了这一点:

Instron: Comparison of Testing Systems Conducting Plastics Tensile Test to ISO 527-2





为了帮助我们的客户遵守最新的标准,我们一直为喜欢它的任何人提供免费的教育帮助。最近,这使我们在全球范围内举办了一系列的研讨会,网络研讨会和大师班,所有这些都集中在对ISO 527-2进行测试。这些标准更改影响的客户已经大大收到了这些信息,我们将继续为前进的各种不同测试标准提供此帮助。




How do you help your customers understand these factors and what changes can be made to ensure a lower risk during testing?

与我们如何教育客户有关标准和合规性问题的方式,我们正在提供有关最佳实践,影响结果的因素以及找到解决方案的许多方法的教育。这包括上面提到的研讨会,网络研讨会,培训课程和测试解决方案协助,但还包括专门的Web内容,提供有关该信息的信息塑料测试中的3个主要挑战that we have identified.




In my opinion, improving efficiency, increasing throughput, lowering cycle time and reducing testing related costs all fall under the same bucket. Luckily for most labs, it is often possible to make significant improvements without even having to purchase any further equipment.




Instron is a very customer centric company and our goal has always been to provide customers with the best ownership experience possible. In order to ensure that the Instron experience is the best, we need to understand what our customers value the most; appreciating both their pain points and their goals. We use this feedback to ensure that our product and service offerings are aligned with what our customers feel is most important. For this reason, the majority of our products, accessories, and services reflect the 3 challenges research, as well as other customer-centric priorities. One thing that we feel differentiates us from most other manufacturers is that many of our solutions are features not options, meaning that they are not “extra”. This is especially true when it comes to our software, where we include things like test method briefs in with our test methods. These explain in detail what is required by the standard to ensure that customers do not accidently overlook critical requirements.

Are there any recent case studies where a customer has benefited from Instron’s knowledge in these areas that you are particularly proud of?

We have received a lot of positive feedback and expressions of gratitude from those we visited but also from those that attended our webinars and seminars, some of which were not Instron customers. It is always a great feeling when we are able to help customers overcome challenges or problems that many have been assumed as inevitable or “just the way it was”. There are many specific cases I could share, but I would have to say that I am most proud of the sheer volume of people we have helped. We have presented to hundreds of people and only a handful at best could claim they went away without learning something.

Where can our readers learn more about the challenges in plastic testing?

了解更多有关挑战的最佳场所是通过研讨会或现场网络研讨会,因为这使我们可以解决客户的特定问题。但是,对于那些无法参加的人,我们还将录制网络研讨会并在我们的专用网络研讨会库中使用。此外,我们还有一个网页dedicated to the 3 challenges information specifically, but anyone reading this that recognises these types of challenges within their own lab should feel free to contact us directly. We’re here to help!


理查德·戈沙伊安(Richard Goshgarian)

Richard Goshgarian目前是Global Plastics测试市场的Instron市场经理。他在Instron工作了11多年,从事应用程序工程,产品管理和市场管理。理查德(Richard)拥有马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts)的塑料工程和MBA学士学位。理查德(Richard)还是ASTM和ISO组织的积极成员,并继续努力确保Instron在整个塑料市场中符合关键标准。在使用Instron之前,Richard曾在本田研发工作,担任材料工程师,他专注于塑料材料和室内汽车零亚博网站下载件的开发。

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斯图尔特·米尔恩(Stuart Milne)


斯图尔特·米尔恩(Stuart Milne)

斯图尔特(Stuart)毕业于威尔士大学(University of Wales),加的夫学院(Institute Cardiff),拥有工业产品设计的一流荣誉学位。在研究了一家参与LED照明解决方案的初创公司之后,Stuart决定与Azonetwork抓住机会。在过去的五年中,斯图尔特(Stuart)参与了开发行业领先的产品范围,增强客户体验并改善旨在为客户赚取的营销美元提供巨大价值的内部系统。在业余时间,斯图尔特(Stuart)喜欢通过创作艺术作品并继续对素描的热爱来继续他对艺术和设计的热爱。将来,斯图尔特(Stuart)希望继续他对旅行的热爱,并探索新的令人兴奋的地方。



  • APA

    Instron -USA。(2019年10月25日)。塑料测试中的三个主要挑战。azom。于2022年5月11日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=11955检索。

  • MLA

    Instron -USA。“塑料测试中的三个主要挑战”。azom。2022年5月11日。

  • 芝加哥

    Instron -USA。“塑料测试中的三个主要挑战”。azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=11955。(2022年5月11日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Instron -USA。2019。塑料测试中的三个主要挑战。Azom,2022年5月11日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=11955。


