
Emission Control Strategies and Technologies for the Chemical Processing Industry

Chris Anguil, President of Anguil Environmental Systems, talks to AZoM about emission control strategies and technologies for the chemical processing industry.

您能为我们的读者提供简要介绍Anguil Environmental在其中工作的行业吗?


在国内,根据《清洁空气法》(Clean Air Act)执行了对这些瓦式的控制,但法规在全球范围内持续下去,我们准备应对增加的需求。关于化学加工行业,长期以来对这些排放量一直受到监管。


How has Anguil Environmental grown and changed since the company was founded in 1978?

Anguil has evolved into a global solutions provider, not just an equipment manufacturer. We did this while holding onto our family founded principals without the financial backing that many larger corporations have access to. There are challenges to organic growth but I think there is also value in the experiences learned. We are continually looking for ways to improve our offering by utilizing the strengths of our employees.

One of our more recent growth initiatives was implementing a process improvement program called Stage Gate. It forced us to take a closer look at how business is routed through our company. We are much more methodical about our project management now which has reduced errors and dramatically improved efficiencies.

Essentially a project cannot move to the next stage of production without making sure certain checks and balances have been met. That’s not to say that an engineer can’t still walk drawings on to the shop floor to expedite a project but they won’t start cutting metal until certain criteria is met. Ultimately we are able to offer customers a higher quality system at a lower price.

Why is it important that companies operating in the Chemical Processing Industry use emission control technology and have strategies in place to deal with the process emissions they produce?


图片来源:Gerard Koudenburg/Shutterstock.com


What kinds of emission control strategies and technologies can Anguil Environmental offer to organisations currently operating in the chemical process industry?


What are the key considerations to take into account when deciding upon the type of oxidizer technology which is best suited for a chemical processing application?



How does Anguil Environmental differentiate itself from its competitors in the emission control market?


图片来源:Ruud Morijn Photographer/shutterstock.com


Our service capabilities also differentiate us from most competitors.Anguil拥有将近四十年的经验,可为所有品牌和型号的数千种氧化剂提供服务。在当今动荡的市场中,我们的竞争对手没有很多可以提出这一主张。事实是,我们的服务客户中有很多来自制造商不再存在的氧化剂。实际上,去年我们为由20个不同的氧化剂制造商制造的系统提供服务。



When compared to the old catalytic oxidizer, the new RTOs collectively emit 5,000 fewer tons per year of CO2 emissions and 5 tons each year of NOX emissions, which corresponds to approximately 10 MMBTU/hr of reduced auxiliary fuel consumption.


How do you see the emission control industry progressing over the next ten years and how do you see Anguil Environmental being part of this change?




Chris Anguil

Over the past twenty years, Chris Anguil has devoted his career to the technical sale and application of Anguil Environmental’s air pollution control and energy recovery systems.

As the President, he is currently responsible for both the revenue and profit for this internationally recognized supplier.


Anguil Environmental Systems很荣幸成为一家家族拥有和经营的公司,总部位于威斯康星州密尔沃基市,并从事一个确保后代可持续环境的行业。整个组织仍然致力于其口号,“致力于更清洁的空气”。

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亚历山大·奇尔顿(Alexander Chilton)


亚历山大·奇尔顿(Alexander Chilton)

亚历山大拥有谢菲尔德大学的物理学学士学位。毕业后,他在谢菲尔德(Sheffield)工作了两年,为一家英国一家大型律师事务所工作,然后搬回西北并加入Azonetwork的编辑团队。亚历山大对科学的历史和哲学以及科学传播特别感兴趣。亚博老虎机网登录在工作之外,亚历山大通常可以在演出,唱片购物或观看克鲁·亚历山德拉(Crewe Alexandra)试图避免降级到第二联盟。


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    Anguil环境系统。((2019, January 24). Emission Control Strategies and Technologies for the Chemical Processing Industry. AZoM. Retrieved on May 13, 2022 from //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=11636.

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    Anguil环境系统。2019。Emission Control Strategies and Technologies for the Chemical Processing Industry。Azom,2022年5月13日,https://www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=11636。



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