
A solid concrete structure may probably fail if gaps are not properly bridged and protected. When the concrete structure serves as a containment vessel of fluids, leakage must be prevented or reduced depending upon the usage and purpose. Therefore, crack width control forms an important aspect in many reinforced concrete structures.

Plain Concrete

In case of plain具体的,聚集锁定有助于桥接。当混凝土注入纤维时,会发生进一步的桥接作用,从而叠加在骨架桥接效果上。在纤维增强的混凝土(FRC)中,这种联合的桥接作用在改善裂缝中携带的应力方面有利。测试其有效性非常重要。


One can easily perform the test on a Tinius Olsen 50K-T tension compression testing machine (Figure 1) utilizing a four point bend test grip called QS4531 grip. The test is performed on a reinforced concrete sample 200 x 300mm to EN1062-72004 Annex C.

Compression testing

Figure 1.Compression testing



Figure 2.弯曲测试设备的图

When the crack is fixed on the substrate and no perforation occurs in the watertight covering after a period of 24h, it is assumed that the test has been successfully passed.


The Tinius Olsen 50K-T tension compression testing machine is designed to test a range of reinforced concrete structures as well as materials like metals, plastics, rubber, etc., in compression, tension, shear or flexure.

此信息已从Tinius Olsen提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

For more information on this source, please visitTinius Olsen.


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    Tinius Olsen。(2021年12月10日)。测试混凝土结构中的裂纹桥接。Azom。于2023年3月9日从//检索。

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    Tinius Olsen。“测试混凝土结构中的裂纹桥接”。AZoM. 09 March 2023. .

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    Tinius Olsen。“测试混凝土结构中的裂纹桥接”。Azom。//。(2023年3月9日访问)。

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    Tinius Olsen。2021。测试混凝土结构中的裂纹桥接. AZoM, viewed 09 March 2023, //


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