

Specificities of Raman Spectroscopy


Ahigh spectral resolution is sometimes required to resolve peaks that are spaced closely. This is the case when particular temperature and pressure conditions are applied to a mineral using, for instance, a diamond anvil cell (DAC) to simulate what can happen deep in the earth.

Multiple laser excitations provided by specific systems can effectively offset the potential fluorescence of geological samples.拉曼光谱法provides data with high spatial resolution of < 1μm when coupled to confocal microscopy. Moreover, on-site analysis can be performed using mobile systems and remote sampling accessories




Figure 1.不同的四面体排列

火成岩类型的最常见的矿物质是橄榄石。该矿物的拉曼光谱揭示了300至650厘米的高弯曲模式-1and stretching modes between 800 and 1000cm-1

Raman spectrum of olivine

Figure 2.Raman spectrum of olivine

该术语含硅酸盐称为链硅酸盐,它们分为两组,例如闪石和辉石。与翡翠类似,Inosilicates的拉曼光谱呈现为650和700厘米的高拉曼乐队-1。Pyroxenes include single chains of SiO4小组,而闪石由四面体的双链组成。

Zeolites and feldspars are part of the tectosilicates groups. Zeolites are rarely pure because of their porous properties and occur in different types of frameworks. Feldspars can include three end-membered elements, such as calcium (anorthite), sodium (albite) and potassium (orthoclase).


碳酸盐类似于硅酸盐,并在地球表面大量发生。它们通过碳酸盐离子CO的存在而区分3。取决于二价阳离子(CA2+, Fe2+, etc) coordinated to the carbonate ion, the拉曼光谱该碳酸盐略有不同。

a- Raman imaging of different types of carbonates crystals using the Duo-San option and their associated spectra b- High spectral resolution map of two dolomite crystals based on the small spectral shift existing between the two crystals spectra.

Figure 3.a- Raman imaging of different types of carbonates crystals using the Duo-San option and their associated spectra b- High spectral resolution map of two dolomite crystals based on the small spectral shift existing between the two crystals spectra.


在仅包含两个白云石晶体的小区域上执行了标准点模式下的另一个地图。具有高光谱分辨率的Labram HR有助于检测两种碳酸盐之间存在的小频移,绿色的痕迹具有Fe的痕迹,如图3B所示。碳酸盐和硅酸盐都包括各种物种,每个物种都有特征性的拉曼带。这表明拉曼光谱是快速鉴定这些矿物的合适方法。


矿物质通常由固体或液体组成,这些矿物可以提供有关矿化过程中存在的条件的信息。气体或液体气泡被称为流体夹杂物。ARaman system combined to a confocal microscopeis needed to achieve high spatial resolution and also to study inclusions located under the surface sans destruction.





拉曼光谱法is a suitable technique for analyzing geological materials. Information on different types of chemicals can be achieved without any sample preparation or extraction process. Moreover, Raman imaging is also effective for analyzing heterogeneous samples delivered by different fields of application of Earth Science.

此信息已从Horiba Scientific提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。亚博网站下载

For more information on this source, please visitHoriba Scientific。



  • APA

    Horiba Scientific。(2020年,2月21日)。使用拉曼光谱法分析地质亚博网站下载材料分析。azom。于2023年2月9日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=10132检索。

  • MLA

    Horiba Scientific。“使用拉曼光谱法分析”。亚博网站下载azom。09 February 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    Horiba Scientific。“使用拉曼光谱法分析”。亚博网站下载azom。//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=10132。(accessed February 09, 2023).

  • 哈佛大学

    Horiba Scientific。2020。使用拉曼光谱法的地质材亚博网站下载料分析。azom, viewed 09 February 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10132.


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