
Grain hardness is the key characteristic of wheat varieties. The milling value relies on this characteristic and corresponds to the ease of fragmentation of the grain kernel. Gaining insights into the molecular basis of the grain cohesion can help in optimizing the milling process (Figure 1) through the selection of more interesting wheat varieties or by the application of specific chemical treatment on commonly raised wheat.

Gaining insights into the molecular basis of the grain cohesion can help optimizing the milling process

Figure 1.Gaining insights into the molecular basis of the grain cohesion can help optimizing the milling process


Sample and Instrumentation

Triticum Aestivum wheat grains supplied by INRA Montpellier and by Champagne Céréales were analyzed in this example. ALabRAM Raman microscopewas used to perform the Raman analysis utilizing 633nm HeNe laser (normally 8mW on the sample). Raman images comprising 15x11 point analyses were captured on 50µm thick solid sections, acquired with a cryomicrotone.



Figure 2.蛋白质,脂质和淀粉的典型光谱特征

Raman analysis of a starch granule in the wheat grain kernel demonstrates typical spectral features obtained from the protein, lipid and starch present (Figure 2). The presence of these clear marker bands enables Raman mapping to determine the distribution of these components (Figures 3, 4 and 5).

Distribution of starch monitored in the region 471-485cm-1

Figure 3.Distribution of starch monitored in the region 471-485cm-1


图4。Distribution of lipids monitored in the region 1065-1140cm-1



Hardness of Grain

酰胺I带的仔细分析和带分解(1500-1700厘米-1) has enabled establishing a correlation between protein helical structure and grain kernel hardness (Figure 6).

Analysis results

Figure 6.Analysis results


Raman analysis of a 50µm section of a wheat grain kernel has enabled identifying distinct spectral features of proteins, lipids and starch present. ARaman mapped imagehas helped analyzing the distribution of these components on the micron scale. A correlation between grain hardness and protein structure is established by decomposing the Amide I band.

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    Horiba Scientific。(2020年1月31日)。通过映射小麦粒仁的铣削优化。azom。于2023年2月9日从//www.washintong.com/article.aspx?articleId=10091检索。

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    Horiba Scientific。"Optimization of Milling by Mapping Wheat Grain Kernels ".AZoM. 09 February 2023. .

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    Horiba Scientific。"Optimization of Milling by Mapping Wheat Grain Kernels ". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10091. (accessed February 09, 2023).

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    Horiba Scientific。2020.通过映射小麦谷物内核来优化铣削. AZoM, viewed 09 February 2023, //www.washintong.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10091.


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