Characterizing Metamaterials by Drawing on Origami Hanqing Jiang博士 Azom与Hanqing Jiang教授讨论了他的研究,该研究与基于折纸和基里加米的特性的超材料的特征有关。亚博网站下载
拉曼建筑块1064 The Raman Building Block 1064 is comprised of the following necessary components: a spectrometer, a 1064 nm laser, a sampling probe, and other optional accessories. FromB&W Tek
Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 200 刀厂Grindomix GM 200具有两个锋利,可靠的刀片和一个强大的1000 W电动机,使其成为研磨和同质化食物和饲料的理想仪器。 FromRETSCH GMBH
Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometer (APIMS) The Extrel VeraSpec Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometer (APIMS) is designed for reliable and repeatable low parts-per-trillion detection limits for contamination control in Ultra-High Purity (UHP) gases used in semiconductor and other high-tech industrial applications. FromExtrel CMS,LLC