For more than the last century, The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) has served the informational, educational, and professional needs of the international ceramics community, and is poised to serve the growing needs of the materials science & engineering community. The Society's more than 9,500 members comprise a wide variety of individuals and interest groups that include engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related materials disciplines. ACerS provides members and subscribers in more than 70 countries with access to periodicals and books, meetings and expositions, and online technical information.
- Art: Concentrates on the design and decoration of consumer ceramic products such as dinnerware, tile, glass, and ceramic art. 2007 Chair: Arun Wagh
- 基础科学亚博老虎机网登录:侧重于材料的基本特性。亚博网站下载涉及陶瓷材料的化学和物理学的研究人员检查处理技术,行为,性能和失败机制。亚博网站下载Chair: Keith Bowman
- 水泥:参与水泥,酸橙和层的研究,开发,制造和销售。主席:佛罗伦萨·桑切斯
- 电子产品:涉及电容器,超导体,变种,电子包,传感器,半导体和其他电子设备。应用包括微型计算机,通信卫星,记录头,微波,汽车控制系统,激光器和燃料电池的组件。主席:保罗·克莱姆
- 工程陶瓷:检查高级陶瓷,例如具有整体或复合材料组成的涂层和结构陶瓷。部门成员还关注高级陶瓷在类似汽车组件,生物陶瓷,航空航天,装甲和商业产品等多样化的领域中应用。主席:乔纳森·塞勒姆(Jonathan Salem)
- Glass & Optical Materials: Focuses on the scientific research and development, application and manufacture of all types of glasses, including fiber optics, the encapsulation of nuclear and hazardous wastes in glasses, the interaction of glass and ceramics in biosystems, and super high-strength glass. Chair: Mark Davis
- 核与环境技术:探讨核陶瓷在能源生产和医学中的应用。陶瓷在该领域的当前用途包括用于裂变反应堆的燃料和吸收材料,作为同位素热源以及安全封装核和危险废物。亚博网站下载主席:艾伦·阿普利特(Allen Apblett)
- 难治陶瓷: Examines the science, production and application of ceramics for use at elevated temperatures and in other hostile environments. Members are involved in materials development, formulation, production, and engineering of refractories for the iron, steel, aluminum, and other nonferrous metals industries as well as the minerals processing, glass, cement, and petrochemical industries. Chair: James Hemrick
- 结构粘土产品:强调生产砖,管道,红色瓷砖和其他结构粘土产品的最有效,最经济的方法。主席:凯文·汉姆
- Whitewares and Materials: Concentrates on finding ways to improve the production of whiteware products and the production and processing of minerals, materials, and additives used in manufacturing ceramic products.
Joining forces with the 9,500 members of The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) can take you to the top of your game. You may have heard the statement, "It's not what you know, but who you know." Our mission is to help you with both. We'll help you expand your knowledge and establish important professional relationships.
ACerS serves the informational, educational, and professional needs of the international ceramics community. The members comprise a wide variety of individuals and interest groups including engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related materials disciplines.
Members participate and receive information through a structure of divisions, sections, and classes of the Society. Divisions segment the ceramic and materials field by industry category, sections by local geographic areas, and classes serve a specific purpose within the ceramics community.
- 免费在线访问Journal of the American Ceramic Society, the国际应用陶瓷技术杂志,和International Journal of Applied Glass Science. All Society members have free online access to these highly respected, peer reviewed journals. Access these authoritative journals via the web anytime, anywhere, at no cost.
- FreeBulletin(印刷和在线):流长陶瓷领域中最广泛阅读的出版物,Acers的每月会员杂志可让您处于技术的最前沿和全球陶瓷市场的顶端。
- 陶瓷(印刷和在线):该在线公司目录和买方指南刊登了2,600多个陶瓷产品,材料,设备和服务的清单,也发表在《公报》的12月号上。yabo2020vipapp亚博体育亚博网站下载
- 无限制地访问Acers会员的内容,其中包含有关当前主题和行业新闻的免费文章,博客和论坛。yabo214
- 免费新闻通讯(今日陶瓷技术和Infocus)提醒您有关未知领域的新技术,公司信息和视频,以及陶瓷材料中的突破性。亚博网站下载
- 会员目录(仅在线):这yabo2020vip种重要的网络工具使您可以与9,500多个行业同事联系,并允许他们与您联系。
- 降低了Acers出版物的费率,陶瓷的权威技术出版物:Acers Journals,陶瓷工程和科学论文集亚博老虎机网登录,Ceramic Transactions,并撰写了通过严格的同行评审过程的出版物。
- 就业服务:让Acers帮助您找到工作!我们的服务包括在线职位发布公告板和Acers
- 在Acers会议上的折扣注册:参加陶瓷信息交流的领先论坛。会议的规模从100至3,000名参与者不等,并提供技术会议,博览会和网络机会的融合。
- Resource Center: Provides the information you need--all just a click away.
- 当地部分会议,特殊活动和植物之旅:在美国社会的地区区域建立本地,社会和专业联系。
- 还有更多。